There are so many products kicking about that promise to help make hair *appear* fuller – key word is *appear*. Grow Gorgeous is from the same brand, Deciem, that brought us Hand Chemistry (tried it, loved it) and Inhibitif (not fully tested) and I’ll add in a disclaimer here that I have done some work with this brand. However, Deciem is quickly gathering a reputation for making wow products that deliver – and they just keep on selling out which is proof if ever we needed any. I’ve been checking out on-line reviews and the consensus is that Inihibif does the job.
So, Grow Gorgeous, with its pea-sprout ingredient (yes, really) is shaping up to be the next best seller (it sold out straight away in Boots on launch day, but is back in stock HERE). Apparently, pea-sprout increases collagen production in the scalp, and Chinese skullcap and Hyaluronic acid condition the follicles. In theory, this leads to lethargic hair growth becoming more spritely rather than just *appearing* more lush. I haven’t used it so can’t hand on heart say that it works and sometimes you just have to take a view on past performance – I was so thrilled with Hand Chemistry for delivering on promises, and impressed with reviews so far of Inhibitif, that I’d be inclined to take a punt on this one.
It’s also occurred to me that this might be something very useful for menopause where hair thinning is a key issue. Hair loss during the menopause is indiscriminate so – yes, I’m going there – you can lose your pubic hair as well, and while there is nothing on this bottle to recommend for that particular area per se, it is something that does upset a lot of women. Oh great, hot flushes, crap memory and now all my pubes have fallen out. As a daily serum as long as you keep away from any, er, interiors, I can’t see why this wouldn’t have the same effect as it claims on the head, and if you’re at menopause stage, suffering from hair loss, I’d say give it a try – it’s not like there is anything else, or even anyone offering solutions for that particular issue. It’s £29.99.
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