Global Keratin Two Weeks On

My final verdict on the Globan Keratin hair taming system isn’t quite as enthusiastic as it was when I first had it done. It absolutely ticks the boxes when it comes to de-frizzing and adding amazing shine, but for straightening, I’d say it hasn’t lived up to expectations. The press release says that the treatment ‘strengthens and conditions hair, improves texture and manageability’ and yes, condition is improved and so is manageability. When I blow dry, instead of having to get the barrel brush out and the straighteners, I can literally just comb through and dry with no styling tools required. But, this effect only lasts a day – the next morning, waves are appearing again and by end of day two, my hair really looks like it needs the straighteners running through it. Before I had the treatment, I was told that with my curls, I would probably end up with a light wave and this has proved to be the case, but my expectation of the treatment was that it wouldn’t require extra styling between washes. I don’t wash my hair every day – probably 3 times a week, and I’d say the straightening effect has diminished after each wash, although I am using the GK products.

If your hair is madly frizz prone, has trouble finding its shine and needs a general ‘tame’, it’s the right treatment for you. But if you are looking to banish your curls and want poker straight locks, I don’t think our allowed level of chemicals in the EU is strong enough to achieve the effects that countries without such stringent rules might get.

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7 responses to “Global Keratin Two Weeks On”

  1. Sarah

    Friend in NY called the other day. she said she has lost hair as well as eyebrows and eyelashes. She might be allergic or something but I don’t know – there seems to be something that’s unsettling about it.She’s sending me some research which I will post next week. My hairdresser said that it also was never intended for people with fine or chemically treated hair. It was originally meant for Afro to thick Asian hair. Sorry it didn’t work. Seems a lot of money to spend for it not too.

  2. shoshana

    I have thick, curly hair, but love a seriously BIG hair blow dry, and was scared the treatmemt would make it too flat, my sister had it applied to main body of her hair away from roots, and as its grown out,you can see the change in texture, bit like a perm growing out. I’m sticking with Moroccan Oil, that suff is amazing!

  3. Samantha

    I’ve had another version and the need for straightners was stopped for almost 2 months for me – it’s been 4 months now and it’s back to its prior state of frizz and ironing needed each time I style.

    If you want permanent straightening then you can opt for that – keratin is purely semi and fades out, permanent treatment (Yuko, Senscience Straight etc) will grow out…a bit like a perm in reverse. Your hair needs to be uncoloured, strong and able to take chemicals but it’s a great option if sleek is the ultimate aim. But, once you start, you do have to continue as your hair grows in at its natural state so you get curly/frizzy roots and sleek ends.

    There are lots of serious changes happening over the next couple of months with all keratin treatments, so bear that in mind when considering trying or repeating the treatment.

  4. Anne

    I have thick, quite dry curly hair and when I had it done I completely lost my volume, also made hair very flat, If I stayed longer than one day without washing it it became very greasy. This is literally going from Dry hair to greasy hair, for the next 4 months, I had to adapt quickly to the new regime. Zero volume and greasy. Don’t think I would have it again in a hurry. Seemed like a good idea at the the time. One other thing the smell of the process was really disgusting to go through with. Even if I had a fan close and had to cover my mouth constantly throughout.

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  7. Sarah NZ

    I had the Global Keratin treatment done last week and the stylist accidentally used the light wave one on me. It didn’t reduce frizz; it just made my hair limp. But I wanted to reduce the wave. Have had it done a 2nd time and am getting it washed out 2mrw evening; will be interesting to see if it has worked at all

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