My final verdict on the Globan Keratin hair taming system isn’t quite as enthusiastic as it was when I first had it done. It absolutely ticks the boxes when it comes to de-frizzing and adding amazing shine, but for straightening, I’d say it hasn’t lived up to expectations. The press release says that the treatment ‘strengthens and conditions hair, improves texture and manageability’ and yes, condition is improved and so is manageability. When I blow dry, instead of having to get the barrel brush out and the straighteners, I can literally just comb through and dry with no styling tools required. But, this effect only lasts a day – the next morning, waves are appearing again and by end of day two, my hair really looks like it needs the straighteners running through it. Before I had the treatment, I was told that with my curls, I would probably end up with a light wave and this has proved to be the case, but my expectation of the treatment was that it wouldn’t require extra styling between washes. I don’t wash my hair every day – probably 3 times a week, and I’d say the straightening effect has diminished after each wash, although I am using the GK products.
If your hair is madly frizz prone, has trouble finding its shine and needs a general ‘tame’, it’s the right treatment for you. But if you are looking to banish your curls and want poker straight locks, I don’t think our allowed level of chemicals in the EU is strong enough to achieve the effects that countries without such stringent rules might get.
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