Glitzy Lips : My Bad

Ok so yesterday I put up a post after wrangling with Glitzy Lips and getting it all kinds of wrong because I didn’t read the instructions properly (I know, I know). So, I’ve done the whole thing again, this time the right way. 

Paint your lips with the glue, making sure they are really, really clean and not oily. The glue is irridescent, so you wait until the glue partially dries and goes clear. Then, cut a strip of the Glitz the length of your mouth smiling, pop it over the glued lip, smooth it over the lips (take a bit of time doing this) and then pull as you would a wax strip – its not painful, don’t worry! 

I had to go back over a couple of bits where the foil didn’t come away properly first time, but oh my goodness, it is so much easier than the wrong way that I spent half of yesterday not getting right. Stupid me. It still needs a couple of practice goes I think, and the pics below aren’t perfect, but give you an idea.

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5 responses to “Glitzy Lips : My Bad”

  1. Ok, that looks so cool 🙂 Perfect for christmas 🙂 Wonder how long they last with drinking, eating and (in a none dodgy way!) licking!

  2. I really like the idea of these, but not entirely sure I could pull the look off haha. x

  3. Lucy – Beauty and the Blogger

    Ah, these apply just like nail foils. Thankfully, I’m quite good at doing nail foils but a lot of girls I trained with found it hard. Hmmm…

  4. Manuela

    Hey!! What a lovely blog! i’ve just become a follower, if you wanna have a look at my blog, this is my direct link:
    You rock! Bye for now 🙂

  5. I wonder how they feel on your lips…. hopefully not crunchy 🙂

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