There are skin treats ahead for Glamglow fans – meet the Glamglow Cleansers; four glam-packed, problem-solution fuelled grime busters. These launched back in the US a while ago.. as usual, the UK is on the wait for them. You might not know that the brand has been snapped up by Estee Lauder so the potential now for its growth is huge. We’re at the very tip of the Glamglow iceberg, here.
Back to the Glamglow Cleansers; Youthcleanse, Supercleanse, Thirstycleanse and Powercleanse, all in a mud to foam formula (although at the back of my mind, I think that foam cleansers aren’t ideal for all skin types) and cleverly designed to be used alongside the mud treatments that already exist. It’s a ‘buy-more’ strategy, but if you know your skin well and it goes through changes, then mixing and matching to suit the need of the moment is a good idea.
I’m not sure the mixing and matching element is going to wash in the UK unless you are truly a die-hard Glamglow fan; but the Glamglow Cleansers are indicated as a prep for before you use the mask. Obviously, that’s really not essential. First up is Youthcleanse (anti-ageing, obviously), then Powercleanse (if you’re a double-cleanser – must admit, I’ve really given up on that myself), followed by Supercleanse (for oily skin types) and finally Thirstycleanse, for dry and inflamed skin.
I’ve had mixed results with Glamglow – a huge yes to the original Glamglow mask – but nothing since from the range has matched that in the same wow way. I’m intrigued to see what Lauder will do with this brand – there are so many brands changing hands right now (Coty buying Bourjois, Unilever buying REN) that I think the beauty landscape will look rather different in the not too distant future.
I’ve got no dates or prices for these but I’m set on Powercleanse (since I can’t be bothered to double-cleanse!).
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