Ooh! I LOVE those eyes – not easy to wear but if you can carry it, you win! Givenchy Spring Beauty 2015 is looking all kinds of colourful and playful. Smoky eyes are all very well but I miss colour sometimes. This is the antidote to all the nude palettes we’ve been seeing lately.

There are lots of stars in this particular show – I’ll hang on to the other pictures for a few days but it’s all a translation of Nicolas Degennes Colorecreation – expect to see some liners from Givenchy Spring Beauty 2015 that will rock your world and a nail shade that will challenge you! The product above is Le Prisme Visage Color Confetti to help enliven the complexion. After a heavy winter, who doesn’t need a bit of that?
Givenchy aren’t putting a foot wrong right now with their beautiful offerings; I’m still obsessed with their leather clad lipsticks. Watch out for some exciting news in January – that’s all I can say right now!
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