Getting Mixy: I Made Bleige!

Ok, all the new nail collections had got me thinking that maybe I could blend my own perfect colour. So, I got to it and found it isn’t nearly as easy as I thought it might be, but ended up with a colour (only enough for one hand though! and I’ll never be able to make it exactly the same again…) that I love. I was aiming for a blue based beige so I used a base of Revlon Grey Suede and added in drops of Chanel Blue Satin. This just created a kind of denim grey so I added in OPI’s blue sparkly Absolutely Alice which blinged it up no end. The result is a blue grey with goldy/blue sparkles – it shouldn’t work but it does. What do you think?

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15 responses to “Getting Mixy: I Made Bleige!”

  1. Sophie

    I like it lots, it’s super pretty 🙂 Shame you can’t ever get the exact shade again though! x

  2. well that’s certainly interesting!

  3. I love the word bleige:)

  4. ChrissyDee

    I think it has inspired me to mix a few of my own colours! It’s lovely.

  5. Love it! Such a pretty blue and really suits you. I used to mix new colours a lot in the past when I got halfway through a bottle and got bored of the shade although I haven’t done this in ages.

  6. I think it’s really lovely. Gorgeous glossy finish x

  7. Phyrra

    The name cracks me up, I like it 🙂

  8. I LOVE bleige! Patent patent patent!!


  9. Bella Queen

    Its such a cute colour, and its very wearable. I bet a product house will pick on it!

  10. kaela

    Yet i don’t tried this color. But i like it.

  11. I love it! It’s a beautiful color and it really suits you!

  12. wow wow wow! what a delicious color and word!

  13. Sarah

    Yum – I love this type of dusty blue colour. Frankenpolishes are harder than they look!

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