At recent beauty events, I’ve been canvassing other people on their views of Lipstick Queen’s Frog Prince Lipstick. I know that it’s the old pH colour change thing going on, so everyone is going to be slightly different I guess, but nobody seems to have had the dramatic result shown in the promo poster (below).

On my lips, it just turned them a little bit pinker – not at all unpleasant but very natural looking coverage – none of the lively pink as above. Of course the novelty of a green lipstick is fun, but if it doesn’t actually do anything, then it’s not really served its ‘magical’ purpose. did a feature with three pictures of women with different skintones wearing it; to my eye, it looks pretty much the same on all of them! So, skin tone isn’t relevant at all. pH balance colour change products in beauty aren’t new but at £22 a pop, I wanted to know bit more.
pH actually stands for Potential Hydrogen and it’s the measurement of acid and alkaline in the body. Thanks to a little bit of Googling, I discovered that the pH range can go from 1 to 14 (1 being the acidic extreme and 14 the alkaline extreme) with neutral pH being 7.0. There are various health conditions that can be affected by being too far either way – anything from liver function, chronic fatigue and muscle soreness (and so many other things actually), but it’s occurred to me that a lipstick like Frog Prince that’s purely for cosmetic purposes, in a more sophisticated form, might actually be able flag pH flucutations for anyone prone to pH related health conditions. Hmmm..
Ultimately, I’d have to say if you’re hoping for some drama from Frog Prince, it’s unlikely that you’d get it – and looking at the promo picture in comparison to what occurred on my lips (and the team) that model is at the extreme end of a pH happening!
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