Fresh Sake Ritual

If you’ve never had a Fresh Sake bath before you are in for a sinus clearing treat!  Comprising 50% pure Sake, it’s super skin-softening (thanks to the brewed rice in Sake – the Japanese use Sake to exfoliate and soften the skin) and a totally indulgent detoxifying soak that smells a little bit like bathing in sherry! Added to that, there is some pine extract – hence the breathing experience – plus a dash of ginger. You end up just feeling so chilled out – but warm and cosy, too. Following Japanese rituals, this gift box is a complete experience; light the peach scented candle (inspired by the Geisha tradition of scenting baths with real peaches) and enjoy the limited edition Cranberry Pinot Noir soap that is deliciously fragranced with bitter almonds, violet and black cherry. At £70, it’s a complete luxury, but as an out and out treat, it won’t disappoint.

As with every Fresh post, I have to say that if this brand was available on-line in the UK, we’d all be much happier – currently the only place to get it is in the Marylebone store which is actually no use to anyone who doesn’t live in London. ON-LINE please, Fresh.

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3 responses to “Fresh Sake Ritual”

  1. ♥ PINK DOLLY ♥

    Sounds amazing!
    I love using Sake mask and it smells lush!

  2. I’m glad I’m not the only one who wishes Fresh were online. I get fed up with things I can’t buy that I read glowing reports about. Listen BBB Fresh, she can make or break you! 😉

  3. Hell Candy Make Up

    I never thought I would ever say this BUT! I really really REALLY want a sake bath now.

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