I’m not a big taker of supplements, not least because I start off with a flourish and then quickly forget that I was ever taking them. However, I’m managed to keep pretty well on track with a supplement called Femergy from www.victoriahealth.com which has been absolutely brilliant at keeping my energy levels up during winter. On the box, it says the product combats fatigue and maintains mental clarity. As far as fatigue goes, it’s on the money; I don’t very often get those sleepy afternoon slumps these days, and I can certainly tell if I haven’t taken them because I get really tired around about 4pm. As far as mental clarity is concerned, it’s hard to say. I really do think it has made me less fuzzy headed but I haven’t really been put to the test yet, because I’m not quite as busy as usual. But, I am so convinced it has helped me that I’ve ordered more by the bucketload and some for Mr BBB too (the male equivalent, Menergy).
So, the main compontents of Femergy are Peruvian Maca, Gingko Biloba, Brazilian Ginseng, Cayenne Pepper and Grapeseed. It’s this kind of product that makes me really thankful; they’ve done the thinking and I don’t need to try and work out what individual supplements I might need. To address tiredness, it’s all in the one bottle and I can’t do anything other than highly recommend it, especially during energy sapping winter.
At the same time, I’ve been using a liquid Magnesium supplement that you pour into the bath and it goes into your body via your skin. It got me wondering why all vitamins can’t be taken this way – I’d love to get into a bathful of vits and minerals. I do forget to take supplements but I never forget to have a bath so a multi-vitamin bath product would be an absolute winner. However, after contacting the guru that is all things beauty-sciency, Colin at www.colinsbeautypages.co.uk, I discover it won’t work. Boo. But, to see why my genius idea has no legs, check out his pages where he has answered my questions in full here, http://colinsbeautypages.co.uk/colin-solves-your-problems-5-can-you-get-vitamins-from-a-bath/#more-2426
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