Eylure False Eyelashes for Men

I sat on the train yesterday next to a man whose lashes were so long and curly I had lash-envy for the entire journey. And, they were a real feature of his face… to the point that I could tell you the colour of his skin, all about the most divine lashes I’ve ever seen, but anything else about him such as eye colour, shape of his nose, mouth etc, there’s nothing burned on my brain. And you’ve got to admit that a man with cute lashes is well, extra cute. 

So Eylure’s new lashes for men actually might not be as silly as they sound. Except, I can’t help thinking that if I really fell for someone because of their gorgeous lashes.. and they peeled them off at night, I might not be quite so enamoured. It might be a little bit along the lines of not expecting them to take their teeth out.. but then they do. Awkward. Also, I’m not sure exactly who they’re aimed at. I can only imagine Mr BBB’s stunned expression if I bought him a pair and likewise my dad… it’s about a million times too weird to even think hard about that one. What about your boss? A toupee is one thing, but if you suspected him of wearing false lashes, I can’t imagine that’s going to lead to anything other than an outbreak of horrendous office giggling – for weeks. What if your plummer turned up in a pair?

The only place I can really see them is on men who wear make-up anyway and who love an extreme look – personally, I love a bit of guy-liner; I think it looks gorgeous. Oh, and I can imagine the boys of TOWIE having a go at them..also models I guess. But, just don’t really know who else would take them seriously. I’m 100% for anyone expressing themselves through make up and beauty; no issues there at all, whether it is men or women, so I think it’s a question of how you wear them and whether you can actually carry them off within your own style. If you can, go for it!

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10 responses to “Eylure False Eyelashes for Men”

  1. My boyfriend couldnt even bare wearing eyeliner and mascara for halloween so if most guys are like him, I cant imagine them trying to put fake eyelashes on properly :’)


  2. Anonymous

    Wow, very funky! My boyfriend pulls his eyelashes out, there’s a name for it but I can’t remember it, so he often looks startled and a little odd without his eyelashes, he’s very concious of it, especially as he’s pretty high ranking in his firm, I’d imagine he’s try them just to see, but I can’t imagine many men taking on this trend!

  3. that’s too weird..bit of a gimick too, surely, as if men want to wear false lashes they can already choose from any number of the strips/extensions on the market from dramatic to extremely subtle? Bit unnecessary I think! x

  4. I would love to try this for men one! Even though I am a girl, but these lashes look so nice and “natural”, most false lashes are too heavy for me and this I think might work very good ^^ thanks!

  5. beautyscribbles.com

    Wow! My boyf will wear eyeliner at any opportunity but I think fake lashes might be a bit far…not that he needs them having longer lashes than me!! x

  6. Some men are VERY lucky with their lashes, that it true. As for these, I can’t think of anyone I know who would wear them. And yes, I like some eye liner on a man (not on every man though) for the right occasion, too.

  7. Alison

    The snort of derision my husband made when I told him about them probably sums up what most men think about it. I realize the beauty industry is always on the make for new markets, but ……

  8. I actually think ladies would end up buying these! The ones that want a natural look that is.. unless these ones were made accustomed to male eyes.. Don’t think that’s possible haha but I mean, I might wear them (I’m female) seeing that I’ve always had a problem with the regular ones looking too OTT.

  9. hmmm i would like the man in the train if he the long lashes he had were his own. I do not like such artificial beauty to men. Sorry to say! but of course a good option for those who like it.

  10. Lucy – Beauty and the Blogger

    I get so jealous when boys have long, natural eyelashes, but agree with you – not really sure who these are aimed at!

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