Eyelash Jewellery: Would ya, Could ya?

In the multi-talented world that is Etsy, I came across these eyelash jewels made by Natalie from Vermont at the Spiry’s store who is giving Shu Uemura a run for their money when it comes to flashing the lashes. Whether you can actually comfortably wear them is a whole other thing, but assuming you can, I’m a little bit in love with them although probably wouldn’t brave it outside the house in them myself. 

 Natalie includes a ‘how to’ video on her site as well, so check her out at http://www.etsy.com/shop/Spirys?ref=pr_shop_more

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8 responses to “Eyelash Jewellery: Would ya, Could ya?”

  1. Cute but… I would only use them for a photoshoot, maybe.

  2. Anonymous

    Oh my goodness, that looks like a corneal scratch waiting to happen! Upside to that is one might be able to affix said eyelash jewelry to your patch for the duration… I will leave it to more daring folk.

  3. Sara

    These look cute but I couldn’t cope with them. Fake eyelashes are irritAting enough without having doodles on the end!

  4. I love the look of these, but the thought of sticking these to my eyelids actually makes my eyes water.. Surely they can’t be comfortable!

  5. Tali

    I cant even handle a thick pair of lashes for very long as my eyes start to do the whole ‘i’m half asleep’ leaky thing. But I guess I would be willing to try them out once.. maybe halloween?

  6. I would wear this on a night out if I liked the design 😀 xx

  7. aw i love them the flower and cupcake ones are so cute but i can imagine them being so irritating

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