I have always had a bit of a thing for Estee Lauder Solid Fragrances – I actually own quite a few but have stopped being a collector although there is a still serious collector’s market for these and the more detailed versions sell out very quickly. If you’ve never come across them before, they’re very intricately designed and hold a solid fragrance in the base. The birdcage contains Private Collection Tuberose Gardenia fragrance and is studded with Swarovski crystals. No surprise, I guess, that it’s £280, HERE.
The Pineapple in the main picture is my favourite of this year’s collection – it contains Beautiful fragrance and again, is detailed with Swarovski crystals. It’s also £280. The picture doesn’t give any clue of the size but they’re tiny – palm of hand type thing. It’s HERE.

The Year of the Monkey Powder Compact (obviously powder, not perfume) is a bit more affordable at £120 and super glam with crystal details – the monkey is holding a peach, which is said to be a symbol of marriage, spring and immortality. Goodness! But, it kind of does make the best of gifts for a bride getting married in the year of the monkey. These will sell out in moments! It’s HERE.
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