The way that Estee Lauder are headed with Little Black Primer is that it’s akin to your little favourite black dress – useful, glamorous and confidence building. Like, you always know you’ll feel and look good in it.
Estee Lauder Little Black Primer does three things; tints when you don’t want full-on mascara, as a lift and volumizer for lashes before you add your regular mascara and finally as a water-resistant topcoat. See? Handy. And quite why nobody has thought to make a black lash primer before is anyone’s guess. Those white lashes pre-mascara are rather scary.
As I’ve now got my lash extensions back on, I’ve used this only on bottom lashes – and it works really well for those if you don’t want super definition and dolly eyes by coating both tops and bottoms with regular mascara. Sometimes, less is very much more on the lower lash.
Everyone else seems to be excited that Kendall Jenner did the big reveal – personally, I’m more excited that Estee Lauder Little Black Primer is a very reliable make up wardrobe staple that feels less like an optional extra and more like a basic essential.
I see it has already launched onto Boots for £20 HERE.
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