When your calendar is marked by such things as the Estee Lauder Bronze Goddess collections, it’s a wake up and wonder where the time went moment! I can’t believe we’re here again, heading into spring and summer with beautiful gleaming, sunkissed shades just waiting their turn to appear in stores. I’m splitting my review of the Estee Lauder Bronze Goddess 2015 collection into two, so the second will appear on Sunday.
First up, the Estee Lauder Bronze Goddess 2015 Shimmering Nudes palette, above. I had a little heart-skippy moment with this – it’s just about my perfect palette; uncomplicated, ideal for holiday, easy to wear and stylish. I love it. Three eye shades and bronzer – you’d only need to chuck in some liner, mascara and gloss and you’re good to go. There may only be three eye colours but they’re versatile shades.

A closer look reveals a soft, shell shade, an amplified gold and a shimmering bronze.

In the swatch above, I’ve started with the bronzer then the eye shades as you see them in the palette. This palette will be an online exclusive (£44), but there’s nothing I don’t like about this at all. I’ll also add in that it’s a very decent quality brush that’s included – I’ve been playing around with these shades this morning and got a very good blending result.

Next up is the Estee Lauder Bronze Goddess 2015 Shimmering Nudes Eye Palette. Originally, I thought the first section was a graduated bronzer for cheeks, but no! This one is eyes all the way.

The first section comprises five nude tones shades – they sort of err to bronzy-sandy tones which you’d expect from a summer nude palette, and as you’d imagine, pay-off is good.

But, it’s the last three colours where the magic happens. The first two are highly metallic in finish; a golden shade and a khaki colour, followed by a more matte chocolate brown for defining.

They’re beautifully rich shades. The sun very briefly came out so I took a sun-soaked swatch shot as well, below.

I think the Estee Lauder Bronze Goddess Shimmering Nudes Eyeshadow Palette (£44) has all the right components for a summer soaked palette.
I’ll cover off the rest of the collection on Sunday, but the collection hits House of Fraser in April, and everyone else has to wait til June!
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