Edward Bess Black Sea Deep Hydration Cream

It’s no secret that I’m a huge Edward Bess fan and so was very curious to see his latest product, a skin cream for ultra hydration containing algae, vitamins, minerals and shea butter. It is a beautiful cream, whipped into a frothy lightness and with a fresh scent but I’d say it truly is for those with very dry skin – I’m not sure I’d put it anywhere near oily skin. When you rub it into your skin it sinks in quickly and easily but it does feel as though you are wearing a very rich cream. A definite yes for dry and mature skins but a not sure for combination to oily skin types is my view. It also has anti-ageing elements, so do ensure that you actually need that if you are thinking of buying. 

Super slick packaging

You can see the bottom!

That is one thin pot.

The other thing I love is the packaging.. the box is virtually Chanel packaging but without the double locked C so it’s an automatic love from me just for that. The pot, however, is nothing like our French friend. However, I can’t not mention the fact that you don’t, er, seem to get very much! When I took the lid off to test, I could actually see the bottom of the pot and that really isn’t a good start. The packaging states that it weighs .75oz, or 22mls. I think I have known more generous eye creams than that!

If you’re a Bess fan and get ‘it’ you’ll instantly know this cream is totally in keeping with everything else he does; slick, luxurious, expensive and effective. If you’re not, cover your eyes because I’m about to reveal that it costs £65. www.zuneta.com


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2 responses to “Edward Bess Black Sea Deep Hydration Cream”

  1. Ali

    £65? Lord have mercy!

  2. WOW. That’s a lot for a little product. And I have no problem shelling out a lot of money for product….it is just that there’s so little of it!!!

    But I’ve got massively combination skin so I’m steering clear. Thanks for the heads up as I wasn’t sure what skin it was best suited for!


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