I’ve got to confess I’m not a scented reed fan, especially. Those flipping sticks just look weird. So, this fragranced flower from Durance is, to me, much better aesthetically than some twigs. On the bottom of the flower is a cotton rope that you dangle into the bottle which is full of fragrance. As the fragrance seeps up the rope, it starts to infuse the flower, which in turn, infuses your room.
I’d say this is best for a small room – this particular Durance Fragranced Flower is scented with cotton flower which is very clean and fresh (I’m still getting a little bit of alcohol in the mix, but I am sure that will settle) and a purifying aroma. There are varying scents to choose from – Jasmine, Lavender or Rose for example, at LoveAroma HERE for £21.95. I love the way that is is discreet but pretty; you can settle it anywhere and it just kind of fits.
Oh, and the fragrance should last for a month or so, but just like a real flower, you’ll know when it’s coming to an end because it will start to fade a bit and not look as fresh.
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