[unpaid/sample] It took me a very, very long time to be able to watch Dr Pimplepopper. Much as I love a spot to squeeze (doesn’t everyone?) and selfishly regret my kids growing out of that phase, they are supersize on Dr P and it’s a bit much for the average suburban blackhead squeezer. It’s an easy follow I guess for Sandra Lee (aka Dr P) to bring out a skin care range for problem skin given that’s what she deals with day to day, albeit the extreme end of things.

The stuff that’s grabbed my attention is the body offering – in particular the Salicylic Acid Body Wash (£35). Bacne isn’t just a teen thing – lots of people have it of all ages and there really isn’t all that much on the market to target it. This one contains ‘maximum strength’ salicylic at 2.0% (most brands contain between 0.5 and 2.0%) alongside allantoin, lactic acid and aloe so seems to be at a level that would actually help to treat bacne. If you’re going to use it, I’d suggest getting a soft-bristle back brush so you can get the gel foaming and give it a moment or two before washing off. I don’t see how anything can work in the shower if it’s immediately rinsed away. It’s also worth taking a look at the KP duo – The Body Smoothing System that comprises the Body Wash and a Glycolic Acid Scrub. I had Coolsculpt (post coming) on my arms a couple of months ago with the surprise effect of ridding my arms of any bumpiness but will try this system on the top of my legs.

There’s also a Salicylic Acid Cleanser (£26) for the face – again, there’s no reason for this not to be effective and again, leave it a moment or two before washing off. I’ve tried this for testing purposes and it’s a great wash – it feels gentle and more importantly, it’s very cleansing. Your skin will feel daisy fresh post wash without feeling dry so I’d recommend it for all skin types although oily and blemished will probably benefit most. I’ve also tried the Skin Drink, formulated with Hyaluronic and Squalane (£44) – you really only need a tiny drop of this. I used too much and felt shiny afterwards – my first instinct was that I didn’t like it. However, after half an hour or so it felt less oily and I was happy with the hydrating effect. As I say, I used too much so if you like the look of this, don’t make my mistake! The brand suggests mixing with foundation or moisturiser and I would agree with this – it’s a bit full on neat, but I can see it making a very good addition to foundation to give it more ‘dew’. One drop should do it.

I am wondering if it’s a mistake to only retail on the SLMD website – I think this needs to be seen in lots of places to make its full impact. Everyone has blemish concerns at some point in their lives – it’s not clear who it’s targeted towards either. The biggest category of spot suffers is teens and I don’t see how they’d easily find this even if they could afford it. Maybe they’re active on TikTok but either way I think it will be down to parents to both find and fund. I’d have also liked to see a bacne spray to apply after showering or washing, or just day to day – that way the actives can stay on the skin long enough to do some real ongoing work. There is a Sulfur Lotion but it’s for the face as far as I can tell. Anyway, you be the judge – the website is HERE and I’ll feed back eventually on the KP duo.
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