Just when I was wondering why we pay high prices for lipstick, along came the Dolce & Gabbana Matte Lipstick collection and in part, my question was answered. I’m starting to really get a feel for this brand – it had, I think, a slow start, but Dolce & Gabbana beauty has found its mojo well and truly with some exquisite and exciting launches, including these intense red shades in a matte formula.

For a matte formula, the Dolce & Gabbana Matte Lipsticks are surprisingly creamy – with some mattes you can get a proper dragging feeling on the lip which can make it harder to be as precise as these super saturated colours need. You cannot go a millimetre wrong with these otherwise the game is up!
Dolce & Gabbana Matte LipstickThe collection is actually 13 shades – but there will be some country and retailer exclusives, so confusingly, not all shades will be available in one place (although snapping up all 13 would be really going some!). The eagle-eye’d will notice that they’ve got some new packaging – again, a sign that this brand is upping the ante and truly rethinking their luxury offering.
Dolce & Gabbana Matte LipsticksI’ve already swatched a lot of lipsticks today but even I was very excited about the outcome of these! Look at those intense shades. And that is literally one sweep of each colour. From bottom to top, the shades are: Dolce Fire, Dolce Passion, Dolce Heart, Dolce Desire, Dolce Lover and Dolce Inferno.
The Dolce & Gabbana Matte Lipsticks are on a Harrods exclusive from 5th March for £26.50.
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