DM:VH Watch

Anyone who read my Christmas blogs will have spotted my rant about the health section of the Daily Mail’s You Magazine always listing as stockists for particular products, as though no other retail outlets exist. I was going to do a regular Monday VH mention count, but now I see there is really no point as this week’s health feature airily says at the bottom, ‘all products mentioned, unless otherwise specified, are available from Victoria Health.’ Unbelievable.

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3 responses to “DM:VH Watch”

  1. Anonymous

    Something not so ‘healthy’ going on there I should coco!
    Journalists should preserve at least an illusion of impartiality when it comes to listing stockists even if they are mates or work with the store, website or brand owner.

  2. Anonymous

    The constant VH mentions are highly suspicious …i don’t understand how this escapes the notice of the DM editors? Last year I was so impressed by the constant references to VH that i approached them to introduce a new product…they were extremely enthusiastic and requested 2 samples that would be sent to their “hot” editorial contacts. If the feedback from these contacts was good they would put the prodcuts on the website. The product I sent has a retail value of £745. Apparantely the “hot” editors were not impressed, but guess what? Despite frequent requests for them to return the products…i’m still waiting…so someone obviously liked them enough to keep them!!

  3. Jessica Gearhart

    Have they no shame? Apparently not.

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