DIY Botox: Just Say NO!

How stupid do you have to be to even consider investing the 60 or so quid in a kit for DIY Botox? But, demand feeds supply, so there must be someone out there jabbing away idiotically at their own foreheads. I’ve checked with Ravi, who does my Botox, just in case he’s been kidding all this time and it really is a breeze that any fool can do, and naturally he is completely against it. He says, “If you’re tempted to buy a cut price Botox kit from anywhere, please think twice.” Don’t even think twice; it’s a no brainer that a layperson doesn’t have the first clue about muscle and facial structure (although apparantly in the kit, there is a face map!!); can you even identify which muscles are working when you frown – where they sit in your forehead and where they begin and end? How deep they are under the skin, even? Nope. Me neither. Which is why, despite the fact that I’m a great advocate for bringing down the price of Botox (which apparantly is cost price of somewhere around the £30 mark), this isn’t the way to do it.

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2 responses to “DIY Botox: Just Say NO!”

  1. My God, you would have to be absolutely crazy to have a go yourself. As any decent practitioner will tell you good results depend on good technique and you have to know how the facial muscles interact as well as which one’s to inject. Having had it myself I now realise that administering Botox is a real art.
    And I dread to think what might happen if teenagers and kids get hold of it! I mean, did you read about the ten year old who cooked herself in a tanning salon…?

  2. Honey

    Sounds like an horrible idea… that some people are buying.

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