DIOR on Ice

Okay, this is my last post on Dior for a little while, I promise! But, I just wanted to share the final part of my trip to Paris, dinner on the ice-rink at the Plaza Athenee.

Dior On Ice
Dior On Ice

It was such a fairy-tale setting that I couldn’t not share this picture. As you might imagine it was a little slippy and once you were seated (with the help of an attendant) it was only the brave that moved until dinner was over! Dinner was raclette – a kind of fondue style cheese with cold meats and salad. There was a pair of gloves by each place setting and a log to rest our feet on (so they didn’t touch the ice) and the final touch.. disposable hot hand-warmers! But guess who really stole my heart on the night?


This beautiful young lady named Beethoven (I bet that’s not really her name!). She was as good as gold; I petted her for ages and we became great friends – she was the most patient, friendly creature I have ever met and was perfectly happy meeting and greeting the bloggers.

I did a quick trip to Sephora on the Champs Elysees this morning – and bought absolutely nothing. I had a little basket of things, but the queues were so slow I thought my very limited time in Paris was better spent on other things such as walking down Avenue Montagne rather than buying more make-up.

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4 responses to “DIOR on Ice”

  1. Awww…They name the dog after the movie Beethoven (about a Saint Bernard named Beethoven because he barked when one of the kid played the opening notes of fifth symphony). I always wanted to do something similar to my future pet…

  2. Lizzy Crone

    Maybe I’m too cynical,but I think you knew that [re above comment].Your evening on ice @ the Plaza Athenee sounds to have been truly wonderful,glad you posted the picture,& I wish was there

  3. Scarf Addict

    Another WOW – you are so lucky to have experienced this it looks fab-u-lous! Thank you so much for sharing it must have been a thrill – and Beethoven awww isn’t she just gorgeous?! SAx

  4. What a lovely event to be a part of. It looks magical, and that dog what a cutie.

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