Coleen Rooney’s Make Up Range….A Ringer For Front Cover

Weirdly, Coleen Rooney’s new Signature Collection set looks suspiciously like the Front Cover collection for Boots. Other bits and bobs in the Colleen range look quite pretty, but would it have been so hard to make it not look like an existing brand? What do you think?

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6 responses to “Coleen Rooney’s Make Up Range….A Ringer For Front Cover”

  1. Can’t wait to see Wayne’s grooming range! Ahem….

  2. Ally

    She could have differentiated it abit more methinks!

    Not impressed 🙁

  3. Is it not a LOT more likely that the company who makes Coleen’s stuff also makes Front Cover, and used an existing packaging process?

    Have you never noticed how loads of different brands of shampoo come in identically-shaped bottles? It’s cheaper for the parent company.

  4. Sorry, but they both look really cheap!

  5. Beauty Addict

    I agree – looks like sets I got when I was a kid!

  6. Manchester Flower Delivery

    Not a fan of either of these they look very cheap.

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