I’ll say ahead that I haven’t fully put CND RescueRxx to the test, although I’m absolutely dying to. You need to massage it into nails at least twice a day and I keep having work events where I’m not happy with bare nails so the whole treatment thing keeps getting disrupted as it doesn’t work as well over polish. But I guess you could call CND RescueRxx the last resort of knackered nails.
The first thing I’ve noticed is that it’s thicker in consistency than any other nail oil product I’ve used, and there’s an immediate effect in nails feeling more supple (it’s very hydrating on cuticles, too). My nails are in constant turmoil with splitting and chipping – I feel like I have weak nails, but experts in the past have told me I have strong nails that are just too dry. I don’t know. I keep Solar Oil by my bed, but I’m not the best at regular application.
What CND RescueRxx is claiming is that it will give noticeable improvement to splitting, peeling and white spots by using Keratin protein (solubilized keratin proteins bond to the natural nail to help strengthen the nail plate) and jojoba oil. Actually, the claims are huge – 80% less peeling and 73% less splitting after 4 weeks, with the majority of testers seeing an improvement in white spots after a week. It was clinically trialled on 34 women, which isn’t a huge amount, but CND are pretty solid in reputation so I don’t doubt the claims.
I think my test on this will be more sporadic than I’d like it to be but I’m definitely up for the game – if ever any nails need improvements, it’s mine! So, at this stage, I’m just letting you know it’s out there – the pinkie sizes are £5.95 and full size is £18.95. I’m not having much luck on the CND Salon Finder for London (HERE) but I have found it online HERE at £19.95 with free delivery.
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