A Close Shave: Whish

I’ve just discovered this gorgeous brand that’s aimed at women’s shaving needs. Whish is such a far cry from high street shaving products that it makes the whole tedious business of leg and armpit hair removal seem really rather glamorous. With chemical free skin preppers, such as Sugar Scrub and Body Wash, there is also post-shave Shave Savour that inhibits hair growth in a cooling gel form. Founded last year in Arizona, Whish is new to the UK, but stateside boasts celebrity fan Ashley Olsen. I also love their blingy shave brushes – no arguing in the bathroom over whose is whose with these crystal studded beauties. It’s available in three fragrances, Almond, Pomegranite and Lemongrass; I was sent a sample of the Almond Sugar Scrub and it smells very pretty. Shaving is such a dull thing to do, I’m all for making it as pleasant as possible, and might even be tempted to put the wax away for a while. www.greentrading.co.uk

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