Clinique CX Neck & Chest De-Aging Cream

I have got to *that* age where one of my worst beauty fears is in danger of coming true….crinkly cleavage. If I sleep on my side at night, I wake up with creases across my chest that take virtually all day to disappear – and then of course, its night time again so the whole thing carries on. If I’d been sensible I’d have paid a bit more attention to that part of my body over the years when it came to anti-ageing, but other than regular body moisturiser it’s been pretty well ignored. So, I’m very interested in Clinique’s new cream that targets the neck and chest and hoping it’s not actually too late.

CX Neck & Chest, £73, contains whey proteins to boost collagen, cholesterol potassium sulphate (which is a new one on me), barley extracts and squaline – their lipid content helps repair and moisturise, and a boost of vitamins. I like the idea that it will increase elasticity because that is exactly the thing that has disappeared in front of my very eyes…and also, although I’ve never really considered it before, I suppose a ‘brightened’ cleavage has to be a good thing. You never do know when you might be required to present a good front.

As an aside, I’m fascinated that Clinique spell ‘ageing’ as ‘aging’. Technically, yes, you should drop the ‘e’, but it looks weird to me. I’m just wondering if there’s a spelling department at Clinique HQ, because if there is they should probably have a little re-think…or is that rethink?

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4 responses to “Clinique CX Neck & Chest De-Aging Cream”

  1. Charlie

    I was about to say I need this when I clocked the price!

  2. MissisG

    lol, oh how i love you for posting this! i’ve become completely paranoid about sleeping on my side (which i find most comfortable) because my 32Fs = creased cleavage. not a good look! i’ve been using the No7 body serum stuff (can’t remember exactly what its called) but think i’ll upgrade next time as, like you, its an area i didn’t start caring for as early as i should’ve. So thank you 🙂

  3. i too am reaching crinkly chest paranoia stage – i think i did a lot of damage to that area on sun holidays in my teens and early 20s and am now trying not to sleep on my side too much! this is so expensive, but if i read positive reviews i may just have to check it out! ps i think aging is american spelling but then i thought clinique was french so who knows!

  4. Americans/Canadians use aging, the British and I believe Australians use ageing. Just another one of those words with quirky spellings depending on the English speaking country.

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