I’ve never really taken to the Aromatics notes but there are legions of fans of this Clinique fragrance, now converted to a candle so you can have a complete immersion! I find Clinique Aromatics In White Candle quite spicy, even though it’s described as having ‘transparent petals’ as a note although it’s anyones guess what a transparent petal is, exactly.
There are definitely warm and woody notes and an aside of amber. Personally, I think it’s the kind of fragrance I’d never want to wear but as a room fragrance? Different thing. It’s ‘perfume’ enough that there’s something decadent and boudoir-ish about it, but also it’s ‘roomy’ enough to be familiar and comforting. You know how fragrance can sometime remind you of something and you cannot quite put your finger on what – it’s taken a lot of sniffs for my olfactory senses to bring up the vision of walking through the Selfridges main door into the beauty hall to be met with ‘that’ smell. It’s what the Clinique Aromatics In White Candle reminds me of – that sense of anticipation and pleasure that a beauty hall hunt can bring.
Honestly, I think this might make you want to shop, so buy with caution! It’s £38 HERE. Read Thoms review of Aromatics In Black over on Manface HERE.
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