Clarisonic Review

I’ve been using my Clarisonic for slightly over a week now, and I feel, well a bit ‘meh’ about it. I am in no doubt that it does cleanse skin effectively (using the same technology as Sonicare toothbrushes – and in fact, developed by the same team). There is a great review in the Daily Mail today where the feature makes the very good point that ‘sonic’ doesn’t mean, in this instance, scientific rays etc (pardon my lack of technical knowledge on sonic here and also my reluctance to research for half an hour on what place sonic technology has in the field of boffindom), it refers to the oscillation of the brush, which gives 300 per minute, apparantly. So, back to the review. It is extremely simple to use – charge it up and press a switch – that’s literally it. The brush feels very soft on the skin (although I really don’t like the way it puts me into pre-sneeze mode when I use it on my nose) and a beep signals when you’ve spent long enough on any one area. The basic theory behind using this superior form of cleansing is that it allows your other beauty products to work much more effectively, and it is true that skin feels super-clean and soft after using – just not mind-blowingly so. Other bloggers/mags etc rave and rave about it – I like it, but I’m just not sure I’d spend £150 on it. Mine came with several Clarisonic own label cleansing products, but I’ve stuck to my own cleansers to test it. I think if it came in at a more affordable price point, I’d like it better, and overall I’d rate it good, not amazing.

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4 responses to “Clarisonic Review”

  1. lollipop26

    I am not a fan of the clarisonic. I spent the money on mine, importing it from canada quite some time ago, and honestly it was a waste. No miracles, no magical improvements, just vibrated skin that was a little bit smoother. I will stick to a good old exfoliator thanks!

  2. VexInTheCity

    I’ve always thought it’s a waste of flippin money and does no more than what a normal facial brush for 3 quid will do!

  3. Anonymous

    I am actually thrilled. Clarisonic only takes a minute and you get like a mini facial. My skin definitely looks cleaner and feels softer. I used to have bumps on my arms and now you can feel the difference!

  4. Anonymous

    I find my skin on my face has really improved using the Clarisonic daily. The texture is smoother and fresher-looking. I have chucked out exfoliators and peels that made my skin look too shiney and a bit pink and didnt always remove flakey dry bits. Moisturisers seem to work better too after using the Clarisonic. The brush for the body is also excellent.I dont regret getting this machine at all and have got my friends hooked on it too.

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