Now this is one good-looking bronzing compact from Clarins for Summer 2014. And, better yet, it’s more or less shimmer free apart from one little section that’s easily avoidable unless you want a little glimmer. It seems to be a real trend at the moment for brands to bring out shimmer free bronzers – maybe I can finally get to grips with bronzer properly.

You see the little pale square at the top of the palette? That’s the shimmery bit. There is the merest hint of twinkle across the rest of the palette. I also love that the Clarins Summer Bronzing Palette is versatile – you can go ultra-light and use it as an all-over ‘bonne mine’ powder like Chanel Les Beiges, or pick out darker elements for a little more depth. Clarins always add a fragrant element to their bronzers (I think EL do as well, or have done), and while this isn’t a deal-breaker for me, it might be for some. The fragrance isn’t really all that definable – it’s a generically pleasant, kind of green, floral smell.
I think you are getting a lot of bronzer for your £30 with this and you won’t light up like a Christmas tree on the beach when the sun shines. Win! The Clarins Summer Bronzing Palette launches in May.
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