Changes To BBB

Right, well the on-going Blogger glitches that I’ve been experiencing for a while now have proved to be pretty well un-mendable. It’s the very last thing any blogger wants to hear – that their site is well and truly screwed. But, it is. Don’t worry.. I’m calm (ish)! 

To cut a long story short, there is a glitch internally that is duplicating pages at a rate of knots – up to 60,000 times. No wonder that Google says nah! And, that’s why I don’t come up in organic search nearly as much. Obviously in terms of stats this has meant a drop but to be honest, I’m very comfortable with the numbers as they are – for a blog, they’re very healthy, and more importantly very sticky. The fact remains, though, that I cannot move to the next level or grab back those lost stats with things as they are. The very fact that readers or users have to really search around for BBB to appear is very annoying and not at all user-friendly – the very last kind of reader experience I want for anyone coming to BBB. I’ve had a hugely comprehensive audit (and hugely expensive, I might add) from one of the best SEO agencies in the UK who have been nothing but kind and helpful. 

They recommend that BBB cannot remain on Blogger and gain more stats. If I stayed, I would stay static pretty much, and while that’s okay in many ways, I think every blogger needs to see some growth in order to stay motivated. In some ways, I feel kind of devastated – I didn’t even know this could happen. I’m just like many other bloggers who really have no clue about the technical aspects and can very easily remember a time when Google didn’t rule the world and we were all just happily blogging along. Google runs a harsh system when it comes to bloggers – it doesn’t really differentiate between blogs and websites when it crawls, so things like very short content could get you a penalty and reduce your search. A lot of blogs are made of short content. The internal duplications have meant that basically, Google thinks I’m cheating, and it’s through absolutely no fault of my own, and obviously, I’m not. But hey, tell it to the spiders.

So, BBB is going through some more mending work and then it’s going to move to WordPress in the next couple of weeks. I am so sad to leave Blogger; it’s the platform that I learned to blog on and silly as it is, I’m going to feel a little lost without it. I really don’t relish learning a new system so I’ll ask ahead that you forgive any inevitable hitches in a couple of weeks time when the move goes ahead. 

It’s costing thousands to get out of this mess (there are many other functionality issues besides), so I have to thank my lucky stars that I decided to take some ads so at least there is something to one side to pay for it, otherwise the only other option would be to start a new blog, or to abandon BBB and blogging althogether.

So, that’s it..for readers, I don’t think the move to WordPress will have much impact, but inevitably things may look a little different, and definitely I will make some L plate mistakes! 

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21 responses to “Changes To BBB”

  1. Sounds a pain, but I’m sure it will be worth while – good luck!

  2. Anonymous

    I’ve been a long time reader but this is my first comment because, I guess, this time I just have to express myself: Stay strong and know that your readers got your back!
    Best of luck,

  3. Trona S

    that really sucks that you need to move. I’ve been considering moving to wordpress, apparently their functionality is much better than blogger. All the best with the move and I’d love to hear how you found it! x

  4. 🙁 sorry that you have to go through this… it all sounds very stressful. And expensive.

    Just for the record, I visit your blog daily via my blogroll or keying your url into my thingymabob. But I know it’s important for new people to find you too.

    Good luck with the switchover. xx

  5. Oh fear not Jane, I was with Blogger for four years and then took the leap to WordPress. I was terrified at first but I got round it and now I am a bit of a ‘whizz’ on old WP. You have so much control and there is a lot of support out there. The key is to choose a really good host because that can make or break your site. My host has saved my neck over and over again when I have more or less broken my blog. Don’t worry you will be fine!

  6. Jan

    Oh dear, you have my sympathies. Still maybe new year new you? I’ll find you wherever you are.

  7. Hi Jane,

    So sorry to hear about this. I will say though, once you get used to WordPress you will LOVE it. So much more functionality.

    I designed and set up our self-hosted WordPress blog (I have some coding experience and my partner is a software developer) so if you ever need a hand feel free to drop me a line.

    All the best with the move. Here’s to BBBB+B (bigger and better!).

  8. Thank you SO much for these lovely comments that mean a very great deal. I hate that BBB is so broken in its current state and have been at every stage of despair about it, but am accepting the inevitable and cracking on with it.. thank you though.. jxx

  9. I can understand, I know from other bloggers that they are now also getting problems with blogger (pictures not loading, pages not working – a bloggers worst nightmare!). Things need to evolve to develop, it’ll be worth the headache in the end. We’ll still be here, not going anywhere 🙂 x

  10. Lily

    Will you post on where when your WordPress is set up? And I have no idea how to keep track of blogs apart from the blogger queue – is there a way for WordPress?

  11. Like some of your other readers, I have a WP blog after having an earlier blogger blog. Once you get your feet under the WP table, you’ll be so happy you switched.

    Feel free to get in touch with any questions or if you’d like help/support.

  12. Melodie

    Good Luck. I will see you on the other side! I am following a lot of bloggers but you are my favorite and it is Not thanks to your platform ;)! Sometimes Change is Good! Lots of Love.

  13. Trimperley

    Couldn’t tell you were having issues, everything looked fine on my screen. Looking forward to seeing the new improved blog.

  14. Anonymous

    Would you believe that you aren’t the first blogger I know who has needed to move to wordpress?
    I know of a few bloggers who had to make the move, even three or four years back! You’d think that would mean blogger would have made some improvements by now, but no.

    I think you’ll like wordpress, it’s great to use. It seems all the blogs eventually end up moving to them. Certianly all the bloggers I know who moved liked it better with no more problems. Good luck on the move!


  15. I am actually happy you are moving to wordpress. It means I can officially “follow” you instead of bookmarking. excited for the new format and look!

  16. Anonymous

    Yours was one of the first blogs I ever discovered (since I learned blogs existed!). Sorry to hear about the troubles you’ve been experiencing and looking forward to reading in the blog’s new incarnation.

  17. I’m on WordPress based site for 1.5 years (moved after 1.5 years on Livejournal) and I’m very happy about it. So I wis you good luck!

  18. I made the move myself and it was so worth it! You know you can just holler if something isn’t right and you are trying to find the blogger equivalent on WP, we’ve all been there! Looking forward to your move! 🙂


  19. That really sucks! I use wordpress at work and it isn’t so bad. I kind of see blogger and wordpress as the blogging world’s mac vs windows.

    I was recommended your blog by a friend when I started looking into blogging, so even if google isn’t doing you any favours, your readers are 🙂 xx

  20. Not sure if you want to given you’ve decided to move on to WordPress but Matt Cutts on Twitter is the most public Google person who deals with Google search and stuff. Apparently he’s quite good and does tend to respond to people if they have issues, maybe worth a try?

    Good luck with it all anyhow!

  21. The Beach Hut Cook

    I have been considering moving to WordPress but feel a tad scared. I read so much about how much better it is. Oh what to do?

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