Chanel Rouge Noir Absolument is the Chanel collection I’ve been most excited about for a long, long time. Who doesn’t love a bit of Rouge Noir? It’s interesting as they haven’t stuck rigidly to the colour nature of what we know as Rouge Noir from the iconic polish, but they’ve shifted and nuanced the shade so as an edit it all fits. But if you were expecting that exact match for eyes, it’s not happening.

So, I have some pieces from the collection to show you – more to follow – so let’s start with Illusion d’Ombre which I think is the product from the Chanel Rouge Noir Absolument collection that is the most interesting.

There’s definitely a red-brown tone to this with mauvish elements. There’s plenty of shimmer in it too in tones of purple and gold… I’ve tried this on my eye and the overall impression is brown with metallic purple nuance.

I’ve swatched it next to Rouge Noir Lipstick so you can really see the difference.
Chanel Rouge Noir AbsolumentThe two lipstick shades I have here are Rouge Noir and La Merveilleuse – the latter is in the Rouge Allure Velvet, but expect to see also for lips Rouge Allure Luminous in Vaporeuse, Rouge Double Intensite in Merry Rose, and two Levres Scintillantes in Rose de Lune and Etincelle.
Chanel La Merveilleuse
The Rouge Noir elements are definitely the best from the collection.. the eyeliner in Rouge Noir is absolutely gorgeous – a near-black with just a fraction of red in it, and the same for the Le Volume De Chanel mascara, also in Rouge Noir, although it veers a little more to brown.

They’re here all together so you can see the colour variance in each product. I know there is a gorgeous shimmering nail top coat to come (Lame Rouge Noir), and a quad palette (Signe Particulier) with a Rouge Noir powder shadow. Personal picks from the collection would be the Rouge Noir Khol and the Illusion d’Ombre. Everything in this collection is limited edition and it all launches on 6th November.
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