I tested Chanel Le Jour, La Nuit, Le Weekend last year and was very impressed with it as a skin care regime. The thought behind it is that your skin needs different things at different times – the key product is Le Weekend as it has a boost of glycolic (high tolerance) that wouldn’t be tolerable every day, so it’s a ‘refresh’ for the weekend only. How much of the ‘resynchronization of natural rhythms’ I’m buying, I’m not sure, but it did perk my skin up, there’s no doubt of that.
The three products within the trio, at full size, are a massive £60 each but the travel set is £60 for the three which means that you can trial the system without the huge outlay. I’m aware that £60 is a lot of money but when I posted about the full size products, I got a lot of emails and comments, which is why I’m flagging up the travel set now. I really struggle to recommend a skin care routine that’s going to cost you £180 as a ‘must have’ but everyone’s budgets are different, and I did feel it made a difference in texture, radiance and plumping when I tried it myself. I’d love to get a BBB Chanel Beauty Box out there because this is exactly the kind of thing that I think you need to try first before you commit – I have asked them! Let’s just say they didn’t bite my arm off at the opportunity ;-)).
Chanel Le Jour, La Nuit, Le Weekend Travel Set is a limited edition and launches on 6th June.
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