It’s so many years since I had strawberry laces but they’ve got such good memories for me. When my brother was born, my sister and I got given some to eat for the journey on the way to the hospital to say hello to our new brother. I remember that my grandpa drove over bumps in the road (rural Scotland) so that the car actually flew a bit and we were beside ourselves, giggling with excitement. Strawberry laces, a flying car and a new brother all in one go! Too much – and I’m pretty sure my mum would have been livid if she knew about the flying over bumps bit. And the laces probably.
So while the strawberry lace ‘flavour’ doesn’t entirely over-ride the other less lovely smells associated with hand sanitizing gels, it’s such a cool idea – there’s also bubblegum, chocolate orange and strawberry laces varieties for the Carex Handwashes – that’s brought a smile to my face today (and some strawberry laces came with it, so it’s a win all the way!). The handwash is on offer at Boots for 92p! The Carex Strawberry Laces Hand Gel is at Superdrug for £1.45 (and I spotted it at Tesco yesterday).
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