Ever since I got my O Wow brush, which is in daily use, I’ve had a bit of a make-up crush on Cailyn Cosmetics and I wish we could get it here – it’s a very exciting brand. Hands down for top innovation though goes to the Cailyn Cocoon Lip Stain – you apply it with a brush, wait ten minutes and then peel it off. What should be left behind is a 10 hour stain.
I’ve genuinely never come across this technology before – Cailyn Cocoon Lip Stain sounds like a liquid temporary tattoo. Victoria Health stocks the O Wow Brush but they’re not taking any of the cosmetics from Cailyn. I’m reluctant to buy this (via Amazon) because the four shade options are all so bright and if it’s really a 1o hour wear, that’s a colour horror going on far too long! Alex from iheartbeauty also flagged up that Cailyn Cosmetics has the same cushion-no-cushion foundation packaging as the new Estee Lauder Liquid Compact. I think Cailyn is one to watch. Their US site is HERE.
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