So many Bourjois treats ahead! I’m starting with the phenomenal Bourjois Aqua Laque (but I’ll warn you that this is a Bourjois heavy day!), a water-fuelled lip colour that has the minimum amount of butter or wax so that on the lip they feel as though you just sipped from a cool glass of water.
We’re seeing a lot of different textures from brands at the moment in the lip category – sensation on the lip, rather than colour, is a huge trend (think lip oils), so it’s rather exciting to discover another element to lip colour. Bourjois Aqua Laque contains Nymphea extract (apparently, highly moisturising) so what you get is a very high shine, a semi-translucent finish and a chilled sensation on the lip. It’s recommended that you use a balm before applying (not sure why they didn’t supply one within the collection) but I didn’t for testing and didn’t experience any drying. I would say that you need to apply as regularly as you would any other kind of gloss – the last is not huge, but that’s where the sensation comes in. If you’re going to reapply, it needs to be a pleasure every time.

Above is the shade line up – just a joyful collection of brights – going from bottom to top: Red My Lips, Babe Idole (clever!), Fuschia Perche, Viens Si Tu Roses, Brun’croyable, Appechissant, Feeling Reddy and Rose On The Rocks. Oh, I forgot to say – it’s not in the slightest bit sticky which I guess is the true marker that differentiates it from gloss. It’s shine, not gloss.

Finally, this girl!! If ever there was a face that sums up a brand, it’s this one. I just want to smile back at her! I’m so over celebrity faces for brands that are literally just blank looks that don’t relate in any way at all to a) your average consumer, and b) to the actual brand. This model looks like she loves Bourjois.
Anyway, what you need to know about Bourjois Aqua Laque is that it launches the middle of this month for £8.99.
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