Boots No7 Lift & Illuminate for Mature Skin

Boots Mature Skin Range
Boots Mature Skin Range: Pic Credit: George Chinsee/WWD

Well, this is about time. Mature skin specifically is rather badly catered for presently – there are plenty of generic age creams, plenty of anti-ageing but little to guide women with mature skin to anything formulated for exactly that. Anti-ageing can be a little woolly in targeting older women because obviously they want to grab every customer concerned about ageing so making a product age specific can eliminate some purchasing.  This is specifically aimed at 45+. reports that it targets age spots, repairs elasticity, moisturises, exfoliates, evens tone.. heavens, is there anything it doesn’t do?

Boots are known for their rigorous pre-testing – this has been six years in development so the odds are that it’s going to do what it says on the label. It launches in September.

NB: I have to put my hands up to not reading WWD through properly.. the news for them is that this is launching in the US.. we’ve had it for a year at least in the UK. Sorry :-(.



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6 responses to “Boots No7 Lift & Illuminate for Mature Skin”

  1. Thankfully for British women over 45 (myself included) this has been available since April last year in serum format. I think WWD might be referencing this launching into the US. Good to know there are some things we are ahead of them on 😉

  2. susan walker

    hi i work for no 7 and the serum has been out for about 2 years its not a new launch .

    1. Jane Cunningham

      Thanks so much Susan.. I’ve amended the post – totally my fault for not reading things through properly! xx

  3. Mary C

    I’ve used both these serums and to be honest I still prefer the Protect and Perfect, despite the fact that the Lift and Luminate products in theory target my oh-so-mature skin.

  4. Helen Miller

    And looking on the Boots web site, there is also a range for 60+ skin called Restore & Renew. A lot happens to your skin between 45 and 60 and leaves you feeling like you need all the help you can get!

  5. Clare

    I use this serum and I’m 32. The consultant explained to me about the ages being a guide and you get the 1 best suited to your skin. I picked this 1 as it helps with brightening the skin and evening the skin tone. I must say I love it.

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