Boots Moisturising Nail Polish Remover Pads

I was pretty pleased to pick these polish remover soaked pads up in Boots for £1.58. Until I got them home and tried to use them. The pads (and why they’re called pads is a mystery because there is nothing whatsoever padded about them) and super thin circles of remover soaked cloth that are fiddly to pick up and I really had to scrub away to get them to remove any polish. There is no way you could use even just one or two to remove three coats from ten nails. Even though they are a very budget price, the fact is that they make a tedious job ten times more so, so I’d rather pay more to get a product that actually works in a meaningful way. Then, I dropped them in the bath by mistake. Bad times 🙁

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11 responses to “Boots Moisturising Nail Polish Remover Pads”

  1. Totally agree. I have found a use for them though – once you remove glitter polish you are often left with flecks of glitter (or at least I am, cos I’m not the most graceful of ppl) – a light wipe with these “pads” removes stray glitter in a jiffy:)

  2. beautydiarist

    I have used some of the oilier ones, not sure if they were Boots own or Quickies but they were fab, especially on toes, I hate doing my toes so much that I build up the layers of colour, pale pink for a couple of weeks, then an orange, then a dark, plus a few coats of top coat in between so that it all lasts at least 6 weeks and these removed all of that kack with ease. Will make a mental note not to get these though. Jan x

  3. Ooh sucky, I would be peeved. I have yet to find an amazing NP remover.

  4. Stacie

    I’ve tried similar before and it was like oily remover on the tracing paper toilet paper you got at school in the 80’s. Horrid!
    Stacie xoxox

  5. Yoshi

    The superdrug own brand version of these (the version with aloe Vera and vitamin e) are a LOT better. They actually have a bit of padding, and it only took 2 to get all the varnish off, even though I was wearing a normal coat and nail effects on top of that

  6. GlamourMe

    Thank you for this informative post. I will not buy this product.

  7. I’ve used some by Boots which I found to be great at removing the nail polish, but they left my hands coated in a strange highly scented oily film – not nice!

    I’ve heard many great reviews of the Zoya nail polish remover – it’s definitely on my to buy list.

  8. Vicky

    The Quickies ones are great but I can’t find them on grrr! They do remove a craptonne of polish in one wipe though. Stacie – the tracing paper toilet paper! I had forgotten. Why did someone think that would be a good idea!

  9. Those “pads” sounds like the absolutely rubbish ones I got from ASDA a while ago. They smelt nice, but that was about where the good points stopped. I ended up having hands covered in liquid, and to get even the tiniest bit of polish off to a lot of scrubbing, but because the pads were so rubbish they just disintegrated…really not good!

  10. Miss N

    Will definitly be avoiding buying them! I am yet to find a nail varnish removing pad that I like, I still use remover & cotton pads but it would be good if I could find a brand I like for when I travel :/

  11. Jacqueline

    I totally agree with this post i tried these a few months ago and was hugely disappointed, the pad just fell apart as soon as it touched my nails and hardly removed any polish 🙁

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