Bitter With Baggage.

Bitter with baggage? Yes, today that is me. And while I don’t really focus on ‘insider’ stuff as much as I used to, today is definitely an insider day. If you’re a regular reader of BBB, you’ll know that my day job is as a freelance beauty writer and for now, I write regularly for one print publication. If you’re freelance you don’t really have to place your loyalty in any one place, but I have to say that I am pretty fond of the paper I write for, not least because the editor I work for is easily the nicest I have ever worked with (and she doesn’t read my blog in case you’re suspecting a sycophantic moment). So, when I got told the other day by a PR that they would prefer if I didn’t feature their super-swanky product in my paper I was gobsmacked. Actually, that word doesn’t really do justice to the feeling of shock – I had to blink back some tears. Not least because the email was issued with the formality of a solicitor’s letter from someone I’ve known for over a decade. Ultimately, the hidden message is that my paper isn’t good enough, in their view. And that hurts. It is of course, good enough for every other product they’ve sought publicity for over the years to prove what a great PR job they’re doing. 
So, then I have a very unexpected call up re the blog from a luxury brand for a cup of tea (and the subtext there is that even after a decade of writing nothing but good things – genuinely, I love the brand – I’ve still not escalated to breakfast or lunch (and I don’t eat much!!)). So, while we’re slurping our tea in what is quite a socially awkward gathering (there are two of them), I ask them if they have any upcoming plans or interesting things going on. They say no, nothing. And then, a month later, reveal probably one of the biggest fashion and beauty events that London has ever seen.  

Then, I hear from a brand that their PR had told them not to bother taking me out for lunch because I’d ‘feature the product anyway’. They’re right, I would, and I don’t need lunch to sway me to feature something, but Jesus, don’t say it out loud. 

To compound these incidents, I’m in the middle of compiling a feature for the paper and wanted to call in a picture of a new product that will have launched by the time the feature goes to press. I phone up for the picture, which doesn’t come straight away – in fact, it comes much later in the day. Via twitter I discover the delay is because they’ve been holding a launch for the product I’m about to show to over a million people that I wasn’t invited to. 
I’m very well aware that PR strategy works in a certain way, and that it is a good PR’s job to do the very best for the brand. But, in these instances, which is worse? To be told flat out (albeit in a very roundabout way) you aren’t good enough, to be told a big fat lie or not to be offered the courtesy of launch invitation. Either way, it’s truly shitty to be on the other end of. From my end, it would be unprofessional to not feature the product because I feel excluded, so of course, I’m going ahead.
I’m way past needing my worth proving by PRs with dinners or cakes or whatever else, but with the advent of Twitter, how the tiers of treatment work has never been a more open book. Pictures and tweets of cakes, gifts, invitations, trips and treats ensure that the tiering has never been more obvious and let me tell you that the view from the bottom isn’t great. It’s galling that when coverage hasn’t gone as well as expected, the first place they turn is to on-line. I cannot tell you the number of times I’ve been asked to use my blog space as a way to bump up a PRs coverage portfolio. 
You can read what you like into this – it’s from the heart – most readers will know, I think, that I’m not a freebie chaser or won over by treats (and I’ll just add here that being invited on a spa trip two days before the event doesn’t fill my heart with joy and racing to pack my best nightie, it just makes me wonder who dropped out at the last minute), but none of this feels like a two-way street to me. I have far more respect for the PR of a luxury brand who said, ‘Jane, we want product placement in a top ten list of publications and after that, we’re not bothered whether we get coverage anywhere else at all.’ Because, that at least is open, honest and truthful. Dealing with PRs is sometimes like a game of chess and it’s not til the game is fully played out that you realise you never had a chance of winning. 
Blogging has changed all the rules: I work incredibly hard to find exclusives or things of interest to blog about because otherwise, I can’t really expect anyone to read it, and I mind enormously if I miss a trick because I spend so much time trying make BBB a worthy port of call. Some PRs have been beyond supportive – others ‘say’ they’re supportive. There’s a massive difference, and I know what those differences are.

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40 responses to “Bitter With Baggage.”

  1. @rachaelphillips

    Jane 😕 I really feel for you not least because they’ve treated you badly (PRs know how hard it is for journalists to trust them to that’s usually reciprocated) but also because it must’ve been pretty embarrassing and awkward.

    Just a little note to say BBB will always be good enough for us (your readers) and if the PR in question can’t see that then their product clearly isn’t as good as they think it is!


  2. oh hunni i can totally feel you. youve done such great for everyone and then they being such d*cks to not invite you / lie to you or tell you the things they do say must hurt so much.

    i mean im nowhere professional like you but i feel similar with specific brands that i finally get to work with and i write about them (only good, because i love the brand and what it stands for) and then they ditch me and work with others instead, others that aren’t as passionate about their brand. it really damn hurts.

    i love you hunni and if they cant appreciate what you can do for their products, then screw them


  3. The Beauty Edit

    I used to find that those ultimatums about not featuring something were normally to protect exclusives on another title – usually at the behest (strange word – think its right) of the editor of the title in question, I reckon most PRs are pleased to get as much coverage as they can, wherever they can. And as @rachaelphillips says, your readers are loyal because you come up with the goods day after day and we appreciate it!

  4. pr sweetie

    The internet and blogging changed all the ‘old rules’. media strategy isn’t that black and white anymore. But what hasn’t changed is that relationships are at the heart of our business…sorry to hear you’ve been on the wrong end of shabby treatment. chin up, lipstick on and keep giving us the best beauty news first!!

  5. Matt

    You’ve very right to feel angry, that’s an awful way to treat you. It’s terrible the way they will happily take your support for granted but feel no reason to reciprocate.

  6. Anonymous

    I’m a beauty PR and hearing about how other PRs work (in instances like this) really infuriates me.

    I agree that, as you’ve acknowleged, a PR has to do what’s right by their client, but come on – being so cagey about things is awful, and inexcusable!

    Shame on them.

  7. Polarbelle

    That’s so awful and I know how it must hurt. I’m so sorry they treated you this way. Absolutely appaling!

  8. Your Beauty Industry

    Jane, aside from the fact that you are a successful beauty journalist, your blog alone is the holy grail for many a beauty brand, as your opinion is so darn influential. So it really surprises me that certain brands wouldn’t want to be featured, no matter how premium (I really don’t see how being featured on a blog can ‘degrade’ a beauty brand).

    Your blog content also has a huge influence on me – your unbiased content, your desire to source content and brands that are not written about elsewhere and your behind-the-scenes stories mean that the first thing I do each morning is read your blog posts on my Blackberry before I get up (much to the annoyance of my fella!).

    Keep up the good work lady.

    Jenni x

  9. Ali

    Big hug and screw ’em. It’s never fun to be disrespected professionally when you work hard to gain that respect. I always thought journalism was one of those professions that demands you grow a rhino hide and let all the crap just bounce off.

    I big up your blog to anyone who will listen for one reason; it’s unbiased, up to the minute, informative and well written. Ok, that’s four reasons, but you know what I mean.

  10. BBB is always my port of call and you do a damned good job. Stuff them if they are going to be up-tight pricks. It’s like being at school again with the popular girls.

    You do a lot for us and we are very grateful.

    WE <3 you 🙂 xx

  11. Im sorry, feeling left out and unappreciated is perfectly valid. When Stuff like this happens to me it will always turn me into a 13 year old girl again, Except this time your old enough to take the high road.

  12. Anonymous

    how very shortsighted of that PR. They should realise that the way we work has changed now and blogs are every bit as important as magazines.
    our jobs as PRs are based on relationships and it is tough enough out there nowadays without adding to the dishonesty and backstabbing!
    ignore ’em Jane x

  13. We will always red BBB.:) But really, try to blog in Poland, this is a real challange to do anything with our PR’s.

  14. Completely understand your feeling. Just yesterday I got very unpleasant exeprience probably of the same type.

    One brand just opened first store in my country. I didn’t know the open date was yesterday, I was actually told it’s in the end of Sept. It’s not about free champagne or smth like that, not even about the products for testing (nice opportunity, but I can buy myself). First I was trying to get in touch with PR of this brand for about half a year, I was ignored. Then we somehow contacted, I received few samples, but what I really needed – news. Especially about starting brand in my country. PR promised to let me know, she didn’t. I got all ifnormation from other sources. And that was repeated several times. And it was so disappointing to find out the the store was opened near ny home yesterday and I’ve missed it. After all that promises – you will know as soon as we finishig the building. I like the brand a lot, but my loyalty is far lower after all this broken promises. I really don’t know what’s wrong from my side.

  15. vertpr

    As a PR, I completely agree with the other two ‘anonymous’ PR’s comments – I always cringe when I read about these kind of PR ‘faux pas’.

    As an aside, I do still have to convince some clients that blogs are every bit as important as traditional print media but for different reasons – it is frustrating that some don’t hold blog coverage in the same regard, but I think this is mostly a generational thing and a view we will see diminish quickly in time (hopefully!).

    Loving your work Jane – almost long weekend time 🙂

  16. leinti nti

    a total faux pas. but you shouldn’t worry. because i am sure that this brand will chase you after a year for coverage and then you can get your revenge 🙂 to me PR is ensuring the best for your client but also being nice and accomodating to the journalist (paper or net journo). i really do not believe in elitism and hierarchy. you wanna be nice to the vogue editor but also to the nice blogger because they do cover different audiences. but you can make it work to your advantage. ok so this luxury PR doesn’t want their product to be featured here. so what? their loss. a good thing about blogging is how readers can get to see products that may not have been featured in mainstream media (vogue, harpers etc). so this is a good chance to be cutting edge and more interesting. out of curiosity, what did you say to the PR?

  17. Anonymous

    I think they have shot hem selves in the foot, i may not be able to afford one of their handbags, but their latest make-up item yes. They don’t want me to see it in the publication i see every day (alike most other women) then bully for them, if i don’t even hear about it let alone buy it – thats their crap PR tactics.

  18. Anonymous

    Wow, just wow. Those PR reps totally effed themselves on this in my not so humble opinion. How can they *not* invite you? It’s like saying “no thanks, we do not want anyone to know about our products or buy them!” and why would they do that? Are they scared of your ability to post comments that ring true with honesty? Real life can be scary, these companies better give up their pacifiers and come play with the real people.

  19. Charlie

    I’ve had some recent dealings with this brand. I’m not surprised.

    The feeling of rejection is awful and it’s no surprise that you were blinking back a few tears. As a much smaller blogger and definitely not a journalist, rebuffs hurt.

    One brand who have previously dealt with me just left me off their invite list completely for a huge event. Another brand, well they have consistently ignored my requests for press releases and I don’t even want samples. Its a brand I’ve blogged about a HUGE amount. I don’t bother asking now. I just get my info elsewhere, and as a result, I don’t buy their products much or blog about them anymore. Oh well.

  20. Charlie

    Just to clarify my previous post. I don’t expect brands to deal with and I fully expect some not to. But I do expect to be treated respectfully and my emails replied to in a polite manner!

  21. astrorainfall @ beauty box

    What a horrid experience…

    If it is any comfort, your blog is a wonderful place for your readers and above and beyond “good enough”…

  22. Tali

    I recently kept getting these mass emails from Urban Retreat at Harrods and i respnded to the email adress saying..
    ‘please unsubscribe me from whatever list you have me on. My email adress is for serious pr enquiries and my readers questions not for mass spam’
    And i got some bullshit response about how she just thought id be grateful as Harrods deals with Luxury brands like Creme de la watever…

    If she had taken one minute to read my blog shed know i loathe Creme de la Mer, hate harrods and can afford my own god damn luxuries!

    I think if PR companies cant be bothered to at least acknowledge the person they are emailing by name they shouldnt contact them. And i think they need to be far more clear about what they expect.

    As for what happened to you… Disgusting! They need to grow some balls and say what they mean not skirt around things. Honesty is always the best policy!

  23. Anonymous

    Wish you could name names. I’d abstain from buying from those brands for you. Even though half the stuff on here isn’t accessible to me (i’m in the States), I love this blog and visit daily!

  24. Ms Red

    How awful 🙁 that must have really hurt. I know it would have hurt me, people using me then discarding me.. which is what their doing to you.

    Know you have your faithful readers here who value YOU.


  25. Bourbon&Pearls

    This is fascinating, I’m a journo too and now a blogger and I’ve wondered why so many PR’s don’t answer me if I contact them with my blog hat on – like you I value transparency. I’m shocked at how you’ve been treated.

  26. Dobcsek

    It’s a pity that you didn’t name the brand (ok, I admit it’s being professional), because I wouldn’t buy that one then.

  27. Trimperley

    I no longer buy the top 10 publications (too expensive and dated content and format). I do read this blog because it’s great. I will buy stuff that has a good blog recommendation because I trust the blogger. I’ve not yet been disappointed unlike with top 10 publications. Those PRs need to wake up there’s a “Tripadvisor” type revolution underway.

    I’m happy to take you to lunch as a thank you for a great blog. Do you get out to the Midlands much?

  28. Wow.. what can I say to all these fabulous and supportive comments? I’m so happy to hear from everyone and it takes something like this to happen to make a reality check and realise that it’s you the readers and the blog that matters and not the flipping PRs. Trimperley, thank you so much – what a lovely gesture. It’s okay I am not a big eater :-))) Ms Red.. you’re amazing, Kitten.. you are too! In fact, it’s taken me all day to read these comments in full and it is the perfect end to the day and when I think about it, if I had a thick hide I wouldn’t be able to appreciate all the positives like your emails as much as I do! xxx

  29. Oh Jane, I’m so sorry you’ve had such a horrible experience. It really is their loss and it does seem like a lot of brands are having difficulty catching up with new media. It sounds like a case of power going to people’s heads and as you say, honesty is always the best policy in these situations. We are all adults and should be above behaving like school children with exclusive invites etc.

    Your blog was one of the first I ever read and is a huge influence on what I buy. I have discovered more brands and fabulous products in a year of reading blogs than in a decade of reading magazines, not to mention the fact that reading blogs is free!

    Thanks so much for all the time and effort you put into BBB and know that is it deeply appreciated by all of us beauty fanatics. I hope all the comments help you get through shitty incidents like this x

  30. blog-a-beauté

    Oh wow! I would’ve commented a lot earlier in the day but I was out of town today and just got back to the hotel and the first thing I did was read your blog! Usually I read first thing early morning! I’ve been reading your blog religiously for months now and used to comment anonymously until I made my own, you were my inspiration offcourse! I never even knew this kind of catty behaviour existed and that some pr’s act like that! They’re deff living in la la land if they think being covered on a blog is beneath them because all big magazine have an online presence now because they’re realising how important online media is! I can bet that more people buy beauty products based on blogger reccomendations than glossy magazines, I know I do! I would never trust a magazines opinion or spend my money on a beauty product because it was in a magazine because I simply wouldn’t trust them but id trust a bloggers review anyday! There are loads of people out there like me and if this company fails to realise that and misuses the one place where a whole lot of people come for their beauty then it’s their loss! They’ll come knocking on your door sooner or later!

  31. That is just aweful! I am still quite new to blogging . It’s only recently that PR companies have started contacting me. It must have felt horrible to go through this after all of the hard work you always put in. Whatever happened to loyalty and appreciation? Well, next time they need something from you , tell them exactly where to go!

  32. Good morning BBB
    just some support from a normal women who has nothing to do with the beauty industry(thank god)I love your blog & base my product purchases on your advice.What a catty world,glad you are the way you are (don’t change)From a hardworking mumx

  33. Katie Chutzpah

    Excellent Jane. Telling it like it is. The ones that get me are the begging emails to feature parties and events that you weren’t invited to. Its like saying, ‘Look, I had the best birthday party and you weren’t invited but would you like to see all the pics and the presents I received?’. What is in these PRs heads?

  34. Fascinating post Jane and I for one ,if I had to name the top blog I visit it would have to be yours without a shadow of a doubt


  35. Helena

    Jane, I have only been reading your blog for a few weeks now, but absolutely love it and immediately added it to my favourites. It has given me several ideas on places to visit / items to get next time I am in London on a business trip.

    Being a commercial manager myself I can understand the PR’s idea of doing best by your client and / or working only with specific publications, but I still try to adhere to a certain code of ethics and honesty when dealing with people. Such catty, dishonest and shady behavior is shamefull!

    Please do not let this encourage you and keep on going full force with your blog, as there are so many people who love it.

    Love, Helena

  36. Vicky

    Maybe I’ve missed something but I don’t think it’s particularly out of order not to want to be featured in a certain publication. I don’t know which paper you work for, but I can’t think of any UK newspaper that really targets the beauty community. Yes, it seems odd that they didn’t want to be featured at all, but to be hurt by this is to take the whole matter too seriously.

    It wouldn’t make sense to waste a limited budget on inviting people to a launch when they are going to feature the product anyway, so I suggest if you want to be invited to things you will have to refuse to showcase things if you are not invited. This is how advertising (and to a wider extent business)works. I wish these sort of things were based on integrity but they’re not, and no-one thinks they are. That’s why we go to blogs for honest opinions.

    Lastly, I know you’ve been doing this for a long time, and some of the PRs are your friends, but at the end of the day it’s a job, and the reason they manage to do this to you is because they have a thicker skin than yours. The invitations and freebies are perks, not the reason you do the job. Enjoy them when they are there, but don’t stress when they’re not. My idea of a freebie at work is a packet of post it notes. I wouldn’t go to work just for that.

  37. Anonymous

    why would they ask you to tea and then not tell you anything? what a waste of time.

  38. I didn’t get to read this last week as was in the middle of moving premises, and as you know, my product is not light !

    You have always been a paragon of integrity and honesty in a complex political beauty minefield that I increasingly dislike when I hear stories like this. Your previous post “what the Pr said” still echoes in my mind and as a brand I know only too well (and agree)

    I love our time together and love your blog and TRUST your blog and As I’ve always said – its true journalism. Sorry I missed this last week and you know I love you (I also know you hate me saying that !!!!!)

    Jonathan x x

  39. morethanakeyword

    Just read this- even though it’s old! Interesting read and i’m suprised at the ‘bad part’ of your job- it looks great to us, so a real eye opener. Really felt for you here. Dicks! Onwards and upwards- You are bookmarked with me.x

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