All aboard for some pretty dangly bits! Personally, I don’t hang beauty pieces on our tree – actually because we go away most years for Christmas, I often don’t even have a tree but make up for the lack of it with lots of lights and little decorative trees rather than the real thing. But, I’m charged with doing table presents and all the beauty tree hangers are perfect for a small table gift.

First up, the optimistically named Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara,£10 HERE, which is a small size mascara from the Christmas Paris Collection. Next, from Scottish Fine Soaps, an oval tin containing mulled wine soap – it’s sort of sweet and spicy at the same time. It’s perfectly priced at £4.95 HERE.

Next is the Ciate Kiss Collective Liquid Velvet with a trio of matte liquid lipsticks, £15 HERE. Sitting next to it, is the Autograph Gold Nail Polish – full of sparkles and very, very gold! It’s just had a price drop from £7 HERE to £3.50.

Finally, the Limited Collection nail polish – this one is awash with iridescent glitter and so, so pretty! Better yet, its £2 – fill up HERE!
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