Beauty Geek? Moi?

I’ve wanted to post about my little stash of Chanel make up for ages, but time got the better of me. Anyway, here are just a few of my favourite ever Chanel limited editions:

4 Fleurs De Chanel, Feeries (2008) each pod of colour shaped like the Chanel Camelia, Quatuor Boutons de Chanel (2009), Levre Signees Chanel (2009.

Jeans de Chanel (2003) inspired by denim, Les Coromandels de Chanel (2005) inspired by Coco Chanel’s love of Oriental folding screens, Lumiere d’Artifices (2007) inspired by the sequins sewn on Chanel couture.

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13 responses to “Beauty Geek? Moi?”

  1. Charlie

    oh lovely post! I’ve always fancied that lip palette and I have the Les Coromandels. Lovely things!

  2. Charlie

    hang about! Are they all unused?!

  3. Ooh lovely! I remember playing with the one in the middle of the bottom photo.

    I myself am the proud owner of only one Chanel ltd. ed from a few years back – but I still love and treasure it. It’s the artist palette one and I got it for my birthday. As I paint, it was the best, most thoughtful present ever! x

  4. Oh I recognise a few of these! thy make such pretty palettes. 🙂 Emma x

  5. Rose

    I’ve got the Coromandels- I never had the heart to use it- it’s just too pretty!

  6. missy_ellie_uk

    These are so pretty! If I had any of these I don’t think I could bear to use them either!


  7. Oh boy, this is like being in a candy store. Chanel palettes are so gorgeous…like tiny works of art stored into a compact.

    Thanks for the post!

  8. Eliza

    Ohhh drool worthy.

  9. AHA! I see you are too in love with them to use them too! I’m so pleased I’m not the only one!

  10. The products from the second photo are too good to be true!

  11. Gail

    OH! So gorgeous!! I can see you really appreciate the beauty of makeup, not just the functionality side but the overt indulgence of beauty. A woman after my own heart! Love your posts BBB xxx

  12. Tina

    The Lancomes one is not that good. Let the color of the channel one’s color fit my eye good.

  13. Anonymous

    Hey, how much did you pay for the Chanel eyeshadow Palette 4 Fleurs de chanel? <3

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