Be Nice: Beauty Blogs

Pals at Cult Beauty have quite rightly flagged up their status as 3rd in the top thirty beauty blogging web sites – and obviously as they aren’t part of any networks, they come first as the most popular UK independent blog (I came a not-so-heroic 19th I think…so no cigar for me!). Networks help to bring revenue to blog sites by pooling figures and enticing adverstisers to large reader numbers even though the readers are split by blog. This is all well and good, but the minute you take adverstising you are then at the same mercy of adverstisers as any magazine. I’d say that most bloggers would swear to not to be swayed so they can continue giving ‘real, unbiased’ advice. But since one of the largest networks stipulated to me that a condition of joining was no ‘snarking’ (being sarcastic or unpleasant) about brands because they had ‘great pr relationships’ it doesn’t seem to follow then that being unbiased and real is an option. I’m never horrid for the sake of it, but if a brand/item is rubbish then why shouldn’t I warn potential buyers from shelling out for something useless? The joy of no adverstising (other than my tiny googleads box which I haven’t yet found out how to get rid of and from which I draw no revenue) is that BBB is truly my blog. I’m not beholden to anyone or anything other than my conscience. And that’s very variable.

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2 responses to “Be Nice: Beauty Blogs”

  1. I waited a long time to do ads, but I can say it doesn’t influence me at all. plus many of my ads are brands I have barely ever written about it seems. I stopped using Clinique’s becuase i do write about them a lot ( and like most of their stuff) and didn’t want to seem like I was shilling , since I definitely wasn’t.

    Also my network Total Beauty( again a hard decision to join but so glad I did) has neevr said one word about what we should say. In fact when they give us any sneek peek stuff, they tell to us to let them know good or bad what we think. They have also given so many great opportunities.

    I do commend you for staying your own, and if you ever do decide to do ads, or join, juct check it all out well.

    Good post 🙂
    PS Elemis Monoi Oil is the BEST

  2. Thanks so much for your feedback on this; it’s a hot potato I know – but I really was quoting when I said ‘no snarking’. I realise that comment isn’t representative of all networks, and who knows, in the future I may join one. I think if I do it would have to be on my terms and not theirs and advertisers would have to know it. I have always said what suits one person doesn’t necessarily suit another – beauty is like art or sex; each to their own! The whole business of talking down a product is difficult for that very reason. So much to say on this subject, but thank you again for your very much appreciated comments. BBB

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