#BBBDreamBox2 Update


I know so many of you had issues with ordering the DreamBox2, so I thought I would a) offer up my sincerest apologies, and b) let you know what happened.

The live link was scheduled for an announced 12 noon launch on Latest In Beauty. The link has to go live a few minutes early to be tested and to ensure that it’s working correctly. Which it was!

The issue was that around 700 people went to the site at almost exactly the same time and with constant refreshes, the site crashed. The main issue lies at the pay point – it literally cannot process payments fast enough with that rate of traffic. Even though we had every single thing in place to make this smooth and easy for anyone trying to buy, and it was checked and re-checked, we couldn’t have anticipated that level of traffic converging at exactly the same time. It’s unprecedented for Latest In Beauty (and makes me massively proud of BBB readers that we broke it! Shhh….).

Next time, we are looking at a reservation list only, so that there is no pay point process until you are instructed by email and given a specific link to buy through if you are on the reservation list. That way, payments can be staggered.

You know, I had butterflies all morning before launch – I know that previous boxes have always gone quickly, but I never, never assume that it will be the case every time. I always hope I’m offering something that is consumer focussed so you get the best possible value for your money that’s available in the beauty box arena. That’s why there are only a couple each year – I would not be able to get the quality of brands in the quantities needed if I was doing them every five minutes. And, they have to be right. Tech sometimes does let us down. I promise we had everything right for it to be smooth, and then it wasn’t.

So, I’m so, so sorry that it proved to be difficult for many people. We’ve learned from this and will do it differently next time.

I know some people successfully bought, and others were diverted to a reservation list. If you were on the reservation list this afternoon (Monday) you are guaranteed a box and if you’re quick you still will be. There isn’t a precedent for this on Latest In Beauty so if I can ask for your patience one more time, they will come back to you as soon as they possibly can.

So, I can tell you that it’s all calmed down and that there are some boxes left although the site may be running a little slow. You will need to pop your name on the waiting list and Latest in Beauty will come back to you via email.  The link is HERE.

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22 responses to “#BBBDreamBox2 Update”

  1. Michelle

    Hi Jane, thanks for the update and for all of your hard work to get this box to us. Just a bit concerned that although I left my email address on the wait list, how do I know that LiB have really got it on their list? Thanks again Jane. Michelle x

    1. Jane

      Hmm, that’s a tricky one! If you’ve sent your email address through though it is highly likely they will have received. They have to go through each one individually now which is going to take some time (this is Plan B in full action). If you haven’t heard back in a few hours and you’re still concerned, give them a tweet xx

      1. Chic_Happens_

        Oh no, now I’m worrying about that too! When should we hear from them, Jane? (Thanks)

        1. Jane

          Today or tomorrow – I know they have a lot to go through. x

          1. Lesley

            Jane, I left my email address, do you know when the emails are likely to come through. I’m not on Twitter.

          2. Jane

            Yes, they’ll start rolling out today – I think LIB will be staggering them so that the paypoint doesn’t clog xx

      2. I left my email within the hour, but I still haven’t heard back. 🙁

  2. I left my email at 12:15ish and i’m hoping that I’ll get a link to buy a box! *fingers crossed*


  3. I noticed it seemed to be online around 11:45 – think I successfully bought 🙂 it really is a lovely-looking box, perfect for ‘stocking filler’ presents too!

  4. sharon

    I got through and paid and got the confirmation.. so chuffed o got in before it broke

  5. I left my email for the waiting list and …I wait :). Now I keep my eyes on my email and I hope to have the chance to order it. Jane, the box is really amazing, one of the best that I saw until now…and I am kind of crazy about beauty boxes, imagine that I am in Romania and I am do some extra-effort and some extra ezpenses to get this kind of boxes and when I saw this one….I said simply WOW!

    1. Jane

      I really hope you get one!

      1. I succeed to order it, thanks a lot!!!

  6. Emma Dunwoodie

    Jane – Kim kardashian didn’t break the internet…you did!;)
    Left my e-mail on wait list…hope I hear back as I have managed to bag every box so far – fingers crossed.
    Emxxx @beautylove27

    1. Jane

      lol.. I’m so sorry! Didn’t go as planned despite having everything in place for it to be perfect! You should get an email tomorrow x

  7. I also left my email, will be, je croise les doigts (fingers crossed).

  8. Kirsten

    They have my e-mail address and all I can do is now wait, which is now worse than actually waiting for the BBB Box to go on sale! Lol! I managed to buy all the previous BBB Boxes and I’ve not once been disappointed with them. Fingers crossed x

  9. Samantha

    Heeeeelp I’ve been emailed to say I have a box reserved but when I go on it says I haven’t been invited yet 🙁

    1. Jane

      Pop an email to member_support@latestinbeauty.com and they’ll help you in the morning xx

  10. Thank you for keeping us up to date Jane, the box arrived today and to say I am happy is an understatement. I have a full blog post here about it http://www.homelifewithheather.co.uk/2014/11/the-dream-box-2-latest-in-beauty-reveal.html#more


    1. Jane

      thank you so much Heather.. amazing post!

  11. Anasuya

    Thank you so much Jane! My box arrived yesterday (I’d been on the waiting list) and it is amazing!! So, so happy to have it! Thank you sooo much for creating this fantastic box! Lots of love xx

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