Image Credit: The Cake Store.
Someone asked me yesterday if my blog was really six, and I replied, “No, it’s five”. I over-nighted this thought and woke up realising that yes, BBB is six! Even though I missed the actual day (31st January 2008), I’m taking today as my special blog day.
On this side of the screen, my blog still feels brand new! It doesn’t feel as though it should be six years old and I have mixed feelings about having been blogging for this long. On the one hand, I’m thrilled that I am still here amongst so much stiff competition and yet, on the other, I wonder how long I want to continue for. When years are laid out in letters, it really does make me question that.
I was on a trip last week and was the only beauty blogger amongst a host of fashion bloggers – the very striking thing was that fashion really ‘gets’ blogging, in a way that beauty still doesn’t. I still find myself almost apologetic for having ‘only’ a blog sometimes. If beauty blogs suddenly ceased to exist, the beauty industry would not know what had hit them.
We are powerhouses in sharing information across many platforms, at creating multiple conversations around beauty and at keeping beauty at the forefront of retail. We are an industry in ourselves. So for anyone with a new blog or just starting a beauty blog, consider yourselves part of something incredible only made possible by a shared love of beauty.
And yay.. happy birthday, me! I’m off to find a wheat-free cake and an obscenely large cocktail.
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