Okay, this is a very home made attempt to show the difference in shades and consistency of the glut of BBs available in the UK. I’ve sort of given up trying to distinguish what is a BB and what is not. These pics were taken in daylight (bit grey and cloudy..typical UK April day) and you can tell the consistency, glossiness and colour of each one (amazing how alike they all are). Below the pics is a bit of info on each one that you would be able to get normally from the websites and not including press info that isn’t readily available to the usual consumer. I’ll be adding to it as more are released.

BB Creams in the UK
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13 responses to “BB Creams in the UK”
Thanks for this! It’s very interesting to see them together this way to show the shades and consistencies. It also is a big help to compare for those of us that found one to be too dark or light.
Thanks for this, I’m not going to pretend to understand what constitutes a BB cream but I’m gonna say I love the Estee Lauder one lots it just works to create a sort of my skin but awesome look (and I’m very pale!)
Maddy x
Really handy, thanks for doing this!
Great little review/swatches, 🙂
~ Lizzie xo
This is a great review! Which one is your favourite?
I’m really at a loss as to why some of these don’t have sun block in them – it contradicts the entire point of BB creams.
I am still trying to search for the right now….a few make make my dry patches look even worse.
Thank you for taking the time to do that. I really liked the post you did on the difference between the original BB’s ie: the Asian creams, and the Western versions. Very informative.
I wonder if BBs will become a permanent part of the product shelf here or will come and go like so much other stuff does.
Thanks for this; it’s very informative! I like seeing all of the shades side-by-side as well. I also wonder why some of the BB creams don’t have SPF.
Great to sort through the huge amount of BB creams available. What’s your BBB recommends?
This is so useful! Thank you!
The amount of BB creams are exploding all over the place and its hard to know which one to invest in.
I recently got the Loreal one on a whim and I have to say, it doesn’t feel that good on the skin at all!
Which one do you prefer? -
Very very useful.many thanks
Interesting, but the Clinque women’s range BB cream which is by far my favourite isn’t featured. I tried a few before getting my hands on it and it looks and feels fantastic
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