Art Deco Autumn Winter 2013

ARTDECO AW Blush Couture £20
ARTDECO AW Blush Couture £20

Highlights from the Art Deco Autumn range include this beautiful Blush Couture Palette above.

ARTDECO Ceramic Nail Lac in No 37

I always think it is a bit strange that Art Deco don’t name their colours.. I’ll do it Art Deco if you can’t! So this stunning off-violet is called No 37. Meh.


And this lovely teal is called No. 136. Wrong.

Anyway, the whole collection launches in September into Debenhams. There are a couple of lip products, too, including a beautiful one in the same shade as No 37 for nails.



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8 responses to “Art Deco Autumn Winter 2013”

  1. Beautiful colours. I’m so pleased I finally found this brand.

  2. Yes I hate it when they only have numbers too! They do look like beautiful colours – will check them out when they hit the shops.

    Paula | Beauty Lover

  3. That #37 color is gorgeous, I would love to have that in a lip color. I started googling to see where I can buy it here in the US, but couldn’t find anything so far.

  4. Dawn

    They do name their colours, but for some reason don’t put the names on the actual products or boxes. You can see the names if you check their website

  5. Ailsa BeautyBay (@ailsa_beautybay)

    Hi Jane, I’m not sure why they don’t include them, but the ARTDECO colours do have names – I guess they just can’t fit them on the bottle lids. A shame really – easier to browse if you’re looking online, less inspiring if you’ve already got the product!

  6. ..Is it weird I’m not familiar with this brand? The blush is beautiful!

  7. Colin Laphan

    Oops PR fail as all our nail colours do have names. However due to the way Artdeco builds it’s displays with over a 1000 products in the core range there is no space to put the names.
    For the record no.136 (peacock coquette or Teal) and no.37 (cherry blossom or off-violet)
    Sorry!!! For over 20 years though we didn’t even name the nail polishes. We will try harder 🙂 Colin @Artdecomakeup

    1. Jane Cunningham

      thanks for letting me know.. glad to hear it! hate a nail polish with no name ;-))

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