Are You Commenting or Promoting?

For a few months now, I’ve been getting a lot of comments that basically say, ‘Hi, I’ve just started a new blog – check it out’ and then there is a link through to their blog. I find these incredibly annoying when the commenter can’t actually even be bothered to make the merest effort at commenting on the actual post, or it’s dressed with the barest minimum, such as ‘fab post’ etc. I just end up feeling, ‘why should I’? But, it is very difficult for new bloggers to find a place in what is becoming a crowded marketplace – what can they do to promote their blogs?

I will always publish comments that have a link to a new blog, provided that the comments are relevant to the post because the way of beauty bloggers has always been to be supportive of others. How do other bloggers deal with newbie self-promotion? I’d love to know so that we can provide a better guide on how they can get started and join in.

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48 responses to “Are You Commenting or Promoting?”

  1. Oh I know. I had this problem alot when Bjooti was still up & running. Extremely annoying and always deleted them.

  2. millmollmac

    a newbie once emailed me directly to ask for advice on how to get started. I just advised posting regularly, get a twitter account and just generally get involved. I’m not a huge fan of people leaving comments like that either, but I guess those who read them see through them. I’d say my biggest tip is to get a twitter account – it’s the best way to have quick ‘chats’ with other bloggers without being too intrusive xx

    (oh btw – I’m hehehe)

  3. I get these too, it is a bit annoying, but I probably did a bit of that when I started!

    I did a post not that long ago inviting all my readers to plug their blogs. Plain and simple. IT allowed me to find some new blogs, and others to find them too. I do find it a bit cheeky if someone advertises without following me or commenting on my post. Takes th micky a bit.
    Emma x

  4. Charlie

    I don’t mind really. I publish them. I sometimes check out their blogs, sometimes I find a great new one, sometimes not so much, but I don’t really mind at all. It’s no skin of my nose really…

  5. I do find them annoying as well, especially when the commenter is not even a follower of my blog. I found myself tricked a couple of times thinking that I was a newbie blogger at some point as well and clicking the ‘Follow’ button on their blogs just to find out they haven’t even been bothered to read any of my posts! These days, I let those comments be on the blog, but rarely check the commenters’ blogs out. When I find someone’s comment witty or cool or interesting, this is when I go check the blog out and I almost always follow if I see the person is a true newbie.

    Thanks for writing about this controversial issue! xxx

  6. I’ve noticed that people feel quite strongly about this topic. During the MAC/Rodarte furore there was a lot of it happening and some people really took issue with it. I distinctly remember one or two very established bloggers expressing their irritation in later posts. Subsequently as a new-ish blogger I’ve always been a little scared of doing it myself but like you, I wouldn’t mind someone else linking provided that an effort was made to engage with my post. x

  7. When I very first started blogging, I did a couple of comments with my blog address at the bottom, although I’ve never requested to be followed, because otherwise, how does anyone find you and I suppose the whole point of having a blog is that other people read it? I’ve now been blogging for a couple of months, and I have found my approaching 90 followers mainly from getting involved in the blogging community, which is something I really enjoy, and isn’t about promotion at all. It does annoy me a bit when people say “great blog, I’ve followed you, please follow me”. But, some of those people do have really great blogs, so it just depends really. Good food for thought!

  8. I love your blog and I would never try and blatantly promote mine like that its too cringey, have they no shame?????????!!
    I think you just have to ignore them, because they will keep doing it won’t they?

  9. I also find it really irritating when people post comments which are just requests to visit their blog. It is, however, a bit of a compliment if new bloggers consider our sites worth “promoting” themselves on – but for any newbie blogger, it’s worth remembering that we all worked hard to build up a following, and trying to promote yourself without actually reading posts you’re commenting on doesn’t really cast a great impression.

    Personally, I will delete any comments which are literally just “hey, check out my blog” – but I leave those which actually comment on the post.

    And if the comment is interesting, I’ll actually visit the blog in question – so once again – it comes down to content, in my view!

  10. Laura

    I think that it’s usually easy to spot genuine makeup lovers who want to share information and enjoy reading what others have to say. And if they really do have something relevant on their blog, then we might all benefit from knowing about it.
    It’s the blatant promoters who are more concerned with view counts that I would probably put the kibosh on.

  11. As a newbie blogger myself I think it’s important to show that you actually care about what you’re commenting on. I don’t comment on everything or every blog and I certainly don’t just leave a link. I’ll leave my comment in relation to the actual post that caught my interest and then I might leave a link to my blog as well, but such blatant self-promoting is going to far. I don’t know about anyone else but blogging should be fun and I don’t want to feel like I have to shove my blog/blog link in other people’s faces to get them to go see it. Though it is hard for newbies like me to get people interested I think a more friendly approach is appropriate. I’d rather take the time to slowly gain people genuinely interested in what I have to say. You make a good point here. I really enjoy your posts and the way you look at the blogging sphere. Thanks again!

  12. For some reason, I get them, too. I’d say my blog’s audience is quite small – surely targeting a bigger blog would make more sense for promotion comments? It’s actually why I started moderating my comments. Eitherway, I just delete them! If they haven’t taken the time to read my actual post and make a comment of any worth on it, then they aint gonna take up any of my comment space!

  13. missy_ellie_uk

    I don’t think there’s anything wrong with leaving a link to your blog at the bottom of your comment, I did this when I was a newbie (well, I still am really but not so bothered anymore!) However, if it’s a comment that is not relevant to the post or shows they have made no effort to read your blog or find out what it’s about, well that’s just rude.

  14. WordPress has a box into which a commenter can enter their URL, which is then clickable in the comment.

    Anyone who enters a URL into the body of their comment gets filtered straight into my spam…where they belong!


  15. MissisG

    It would be nice if there was some way for newer blogger to integrate…as somebody said above me – I am sure most see through these comments and ignore.

  16. Delighted for people to link to their own blog through their user name, happy to give links on our links page provided it’s mutual, tolerant of commenters posting links to their blogs where it’s a fit and makes sense within the context of the comment; completely pissed off by blatant attempts to get traffic by any other means.

    We work our arses off on the blog, we never dreamed of doing those sort of things when we started and would have considered them really rude.

    No ones’ blog is provided as a public service which you have a ‘right’ to spam. People’s blogs are theirs personally and no one has a right to abuse them – which is what you’re doing when you linkbait.

    Instead, work hard, BE GOOD AT WHAT YOU DO, and you’ll get the traffic you deserve, it’s as simple as that.

  17. vonnie

    If they’ve taken the time to actually read the post and comment on the topic then leave a link to their blog after like a signature, I don’t mind at all.

    If it’s just “come check me out! *link*” then ewww, shame.

  18. Although I am on Twitter, I don’t have a blog and so don’t have anything to advertise.
    Before Twitter, I used to find new blogs to explore by reading the comments: if I found the comment interesting, I would follow the link to the writer’s profile and find their blog that way. I refuse to be influenced by “follow my blog at …” (indeed, that is more likely to put me off).
    With Twitter, I spend a lot less time reading blogs, but do check bios and have a look at the related blog.

  19. If I may have a second bite, I think Kirstie put it very well.

  20. Sparklz and Shine

    I’ve had a few and I never follow them…personaly, I think it’s just rude…I do on the whole publish though. If you follow me however I will check out your blog…if I like what I see I will follow back.

    My advice would be to write good comments, you don’t need to leave links, Google Friends Connect provides those in your name, and people can click through from there. x

  21. Farrah G

    I’m quite new to blogging so nobody has done this to me’ but if somebody did, I wouldn’t mind because I guess they are new and this is how they wish to self promote.

    I haven’t dared to do it myself, I would feel to embarrassed so I guess it take some balls to actually do it.

    I would definitely agree with getting involved with twitter and having an active blog (which I’ve only recently learned).

    The time you put in definitely equals what you deserve/results.

    Thanks for doing this post, really interesting.



  22. Ninni

    I only comment when I really have something to say. I would never look into anyones blog through a comment if it is not about something interesting, well maybe once then just to see. But it is a good way to discover new good blogs.

  23. I’ve never really understood the adding your link in the comments as you can click on the name link at the top of the comment. I do publish them as they seem pretty commonplace.

    I’m contrary though. If you try and tell me to do something, I’m very likely to do the opposite. So, writing “Come and check me out” will guarantee me not looking!

    I think real comments and trying to connect with the community that’s your potential audience is the way forward. There’s no fast route to popularity!

  24. Makeup Savvy

    Always find these types of comments annoying, however I never delete them as I don’t really class it as bad as spam.

    I guess alot of new bloggers think ‘how am I ever going to get anyone to read my blog’ so instead of spending there time reading other people posts and leaving an interesting comment, then just comment with there blog link! and they somehow think that will work. Abit odd really.

    Fee x


    I don’t have an established blog or even many followers, but this really riles me! It doesn’t take much to even just flick through the post and add a couple of sentences, I get alot of girls who just type “Good post” then copy and paste “visit my blog! etc etc” Yawn. Its rude and I don’t tend to visit them either 😉

    I don’t think I’ll ever have massive amounts of followers because I don’t put the work in like other bloggers seem to, and my blog is basically just for me anyway. I’m not too fussed, but I think the best way to gain a dedicated following is to be original, and connect with your audience via comments etc (and that DOESN’T include those selfish and blatan cut and paste “look at my blog!” comments!


  26. ChrissyDee

    Though I’ve had a blog for a long time and have very few followers, I rarely post a link to it. If I do, it’s when there’s a Website section to fill out in a comment form.

    Some people serial follow on Twitter then unfollow after a few days…that bothers me. Same goes for a “Nice post!!!!! Check me out” comment. It kind of makes me not want to check anyone new out! And that’s a real shame.

    I make an effort with my comments and try to be thoughtful in them. If I can’t find something to say, I’ll leave it instead of commenting for self promotion.

    If there are any ways of promoting a blog – new or long standing – it would be great to know!

  27. GildedNails

    As a new blogger I’m scared to leave a link to my blog in any comments because I’m worried that people will delete the comment or slam me for it. But on the same token I wish I could leave a link at the end of a comment (as long as that comment actually has value and isn’t purely for the purpose of shameless self promotion like you said).

    I do find it upsetting though when I go to a blog and at the end of the page where you write comments the blogger has a standardized message which basically says “if you leave a link to your blog I will delete it because I find it really annoying” or some crap like that… I think that they forget what it was like when they started out… I have “unfollowed” bloggers when I have read rubbish like this…

    As you say, blogging is all about the community and people should be helping one another out. Sure it is competitive, but as long as you are doing it for the love of it, then I see no reason why people shouldn’t be able to leave a link as part of a valuable, engaging comment on a post.

  28. SweetTea

    I definitely committed this faux pas right in the beginning of my blogging experience. I just thought that was the way it was done originally. Now that I’m a teensy bit savvier to the blogging game, I of course abstain from that kind of posting. I don’t mind when someone does it on my blog bc I always think they may be like me in the beginning:) However, it is ridiculous when its just complete self-promotion and the poster has no interest in YOUR blog whatsoever. I like the idea of having an occasional post where commenters can leave their links without it being taboo. I may actually do that once in awhile on my blog now! Seems like a happy medium:)

  29. Phyrra

    Since I have a comment system set up to allow commenters to not only leave a link to their blog, but to link to their most recent blog post, I get irritated when they leave a post to their blog and comment in the way you mention. I tend to edit the comment and cut out the link, as well as send them an email explaining that I find it rude, especially when I’ve set up such a way for them to leave comments.

  30. Helen (Nice Things)

    When I first started blogging, I wouldn’t dream of pushing myself forward in this way.

    What made it for me was Brooke from Getcha Nails Did featuring us in her New Blogs On The Block post that she does most Mondays. That was great to be sponsored in that way and nice to get some bvalidation from a blogger I looked up to.

    I also emailed a few bloggers I really admired to ask if I could be part of their blogroll, if they thought I was good enough. They added me, and hey presto.

    My advice is to promote yourself by reading other blogs, leaving comments (that don’t say “Nice colour…check out my giveaway…) and wait for traffic to come your way.

    If your content is good, and its not all about trying to attract followers by holding giveaways, then traffic will follow. Twitter also helps.

    Dont leave your link in the post. If you have a Google account, people can click on the hotlink of your name. Leaving your link everywhere is just like spamming.

    A while back, a newly established nail blogger was commenting on every single one of my posts saying “I cant remember if I have posted here yet but please enter my giveaway”. She’d never once left any other comment on my blog, so I thought this was the height of rudeness.

  31. Grace London

    I have no problem with people adding their blog addy in the comment if they’ve left a comment that’s relevant to the post. If it’s just ‘Nice blog, come check out mine!’ then you can pretty much guarantee that I won’t, although I don’t delete those.

    When people leave interesting and engaging comments (on my blog, and on the blogs I read) I am much more likely to check their profile and see if they write themselves, regardless of whether they add a blog address to the bottom of their comments.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Oops, should have edited that before hitting send!

    I forgot to add before, I seem to remember coming across some advice about how to get you blog listed on google. It suggested you needed to have lots of external links to your page. I’ve always presumed that these link spammers have read the same sorts of articles!

    The simple facts are: if you can’t be bothered enough to read my posts and leave a genuine comment, I will be returning the favour! 😉

  34. Stavroula

    I used to do that as well, but not anymore! I wouldn’t comment on every single post and I wouldn’t write irrelevant things, but I did add a link to my blog! At that time I didn’t think it was bad!

    I did a relevant post on my blog today actually! I’m thinking about doing a new blog post, where everybody can post a link to their blog! I’m new to blogging, so I know how newbies feel, they want to get their blog out there! But spamming a blog with your link irritates some people!

    Good post! 🙂

  35. MySkinConcierge

    Well we all are Passionate about our blogs and hopefully there everyone does not just write for profit. HaHa we all know how well that goes! I try to really just put what is on my mind and if that leads to a way that someone can find the item too that is grand. I have made so many friends with my Twitter and Blog comments that I think the link gives an easy way for us to connect with others that we would not normally get to meet without this new social media world! But if you have flashing banners I will not hang around for long! BTW no link here but my most recent post was about friends just like you on Twitter and Facebook!

  36. As a newbie blogger I think I may have added my blog link at the bottom of the comment once or twice but I would never just blatently say ‘hey, follow my blog’ or ‘check my blog out’. If someone reads my comment and wants to follow or look at my blog then they will!

    I personally hate the ‘Hey I just followed your blog, come at follow mine’ type comments! Errr, no!! Generally if you don’t follow them within a day or two they unfollow you anyway.

  37. Rollergirl

    I’m sorry but this is ridiculous. As some have said, if anyone clicks on your blog name when you comment, it will link to your blog anyway. And if not (didn’t know it was just a Google thing), then you can add a link under your comment but make the comment genuine. If you’re doing this then why would you need to say ‘check out my blog and follow me’?

    When I started blogging, there was none of this blatant spamming, you would just read blogs that you liked and comment where relevant and this then became known as ‘engaging with the community’. Nice, easy, friendly, fun and genuine!

    Also, why are people obsessed with getting followers? It means nothing. Just because someone follows you doesn’t mean they read your blog, it’s meaningless. I say, make your blog worth reading, engage with blogs that you actually like by leaving interesting comments and the rest will follow.


  38. Bettina@BeautySwot

    I am a new relative newcomer to blogging and welcome posts on blog etiquette – funnily enough yesterday I got my first nice blog post come check out my blog comment!

  39. Really interesting issue to raise. I’m still a fairly new blogger & I know to start with I didn’t have a clue what I was doing but just got stuck in. Somebody told me to start a twitter account and it’s the best thing you can do.

    I agree with a lot of the comments above – if you’re good at what you do and people want to read what you write then you’ll be successful. The more you hassle people the more likely they are to ignore you – I haven’t had many spam comments on my blog, but I get endless tweets asking me to follow back. Most of the time I do, but when I see them doing it to the world & its wife I quickly hit the ‘unfollow’ button.

    What annoys me the most though is people constantly asking for details of PR companies. If they found me, they can find you love so don’t cop out of some hard work and take the easy route.

  40. I don’t think its cute to leave comments asking to be followed. If they leave they’re blog addy under a relative comment re: the post, like a signature, then that I think is cool but to blatantly beg-a-follower is not a good look.

    I have been reading blogs for the best part of 8+ years and only in July did I decide to start my own blog, but for my own satisfaction as opposed to others.

    I feel a bit embarassed to even impose my blog address on any comments I leave on blogs. Even those that I’ve been following and reading for a long time.

    Maybe its just me but I want my blog to be followed because people want to follow it to read my opinion on beauty and stuff rather than because I’ve asked them to.

  41. Eileen

    MILLMOLLMAC was right when she said that maybe the readers could see through the self-promotion. We’re not simpletons. We recognize that they are engaging in an unethical practice. Personally, I’d never follow their links because I recognize their dishonesty and self-serving nature. How could I trust them to be honest in their reviews?

    Unless they have something to contribute to the discussion, I’d simply delete their “comment” and not worry about it.

  42. I am new to blogging as well, so i have found this post very useful. Its hard sometimes making sure you dont offend anyone…esp when you are writing blogs and giving your opinion.

    Thanks for raising this issue xox

  43. Wande’s World

    I recieved this type of email too, what I found suprising is that I am a newbie myself lol.

    Personally from a newbie perspective I think they want the same success as bloggers that have been blogging for years, they need to understand its not going to happen.

    When I first started I decided to join networks such as Handpicked, Total Beauty to name a few.

    Embarrasing yes I know, but I guess we have to learn to walk before we can run, this is a message to myself as well.

    Great topic raised!

  44. I think that that it is pretty hard to get ones’ head around blog etiquette when you start out. That plus the fact that every new blogger is probably a tad over-eager and tends to over- share the joys of their new blog!

    However, respect where respect is due to the blogger trailblazers…they shouldn’t be spammed by people hanging on to their coat tails hoping for an easy ride. All the best bloggers put the time in and wrote about their topics with enthusiasm and dedication. They didn’t hope for a lucky break,they merely did the time!

    I am a relative newbie and I leave comments on blogs I truely read and rate. On my own blog, I ignore those posts with links etc preferring to think that my regular readers are savvy enough to know the difference. However,I do get annoyed when people try to hijack the giveaway I do on a Friday with ‘check out my huge giveaway over here’ type posts! They rile me , so I delete them…gotta draw the line somewhere eh?

    Anyway, this is a great topic to raise. Room has to made for the newbies but they, in turn, have respect the elders if you will!

  45. Stylishly yours

    I find this annoying too, to publish or not to publish?

    If they started following and I keep seeing their name, I will check out their profile and blogs.

    Another annoying thing is in your comment they’re advertising someone else’s giveaway! it’s like whose blog are you reading? If you’re commenting on my blog, give me back to spotlight :p Do you know what i mean? heh

  46. I can’t actually remember if I’ve received such comments, I suppose my blog isn’t exposed enough, lol, but I do believe it can be really annoying if you get such comments a lot :/

  47. Eli

    Well, I’m also new, and I find it extremely difficult to find audience… I prefer sending messages via e-mail, so that it’s more personal, and though I’ve left several comments, I left them where they were relevant.
    I’m writing for the fun, so I’m not that into following, but there are some bloggers whose postings I like, and I really want to have their support.
    And, about your advice for twitter – I’ve been so reluctant to do it, because I don’t like social networks that much, but… if I have to…

  48. Funny that.. I just had one of them! *Deletes*

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