AD Dermalux Flex MD Results Review

I’m delivering results on the Dermalux Flex MD a little bit early because of Black Friday where there is an extra deal on the device if you’re interested. I started using it on the 4th October and other than a quick break away for 3 days have used it consistently since. Ideally, you should try to use it five days out of seven for half an hour.

#AD Dermalux Flex MD Review

I used Dermalux Flex MD on my chest where I have some sun damage and that’s where I’ve seen the beginnings of change – I’ve done a before and after (tried to replicate the exact picture) so you can see for yourself but one particular brown patch has started to fade down, particularly at the bottom. As I mentioned in the first post, Dermalux Flex MD is a commitment and sometimes I didn’t want to do it but found a way that suited my time available (since you ask, in front of the TV!) making sure I loosely draped a tea towel over where the red light might hit my eyes (on the device, not me!) to avoid having to wear the protective glasses (a must if you’re treating your face) when I couldn’t quite make it to lying down for half an hour. I listened to podcasts otherwise which actually, was very enjoyable (The Rabbit Hole Detectives and the Taskmaster podcast).

I also wanted to see if the device made any difference to my achy shoulder because I could incorporate that into my chest treatment just because of the shape of the device. Without being able to 100% say that it’s the Dermalux Flex MD that’s responsible, it’s not aching as much that’s for sure and the onset of colder weather is usually a key trigger for it being worse, not better. I used the red light and near infra-red light which is the combination indicated for sun damage, but acne prone skin or inflammation would require the blue light option. The Dermalux Flex MD has a total of 360 LED bulbs – 120 blue, 120 red and 120 near infrared with red light responsible for cell repair. A combination of red and near infrared gives smoothness and skin texture improvement, which I think it most certainly has. Results so far are faint but there – I looked at my cleavage the other day and thought the texture looked very smooth, then thought I was imagining it and now I’m back to thinking it seems softer looking than it did before – a more relaxed front 😊 shall we say.

Dermalux results

In the picture on the left, I’ve ringed a particularly dark pigmentation mark for reference and if you look on the right hand side, you can see that it has started to fade at the bottom. I also think the whole area looks better generally with a clear reduction in redness. One of my queries to CurrentBody was whether extra SPF is needed after use – the answer is no. As I say with all devices that I test with CurrentBody, this is not for you if you unless you’re prepared to stick with the programme. Change will come with the Dermalux Flex MD but it takes time despite it being the most powerful portable LED system on the market. Because of the price, £1895.00, it’s better value if you have more than one goal – you might, perhaps, have a teen with acne that would benefit from the blue light aspect while your own aim would be to increase collagen and elastin with cell repair and the skin smoothing benefits that come with that, or perhaps it would be to reduce pigmentation. And of course, if you have psoriasis (Mr BBB does so guess who is next with the device – the results claimed for psoriasis are phenomenal with 60%-100% clearance in 8 sessions), achy joints or muscle pain or even wounds that need healing so much the better in this instance – the more people using it, the better the value. I have a discount code for you – JANEFLEX which reduces the price by £200 up until 30th November 2023 and by £150 thereafter and you can find the device HERE.


This post is sponsored content with CurrentBody.

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4 responses to “AD Dermalux Flex MD Results Review”

  1. Diana

    I’ve had Dermalux treatments at a salon and was very happy with results over time. It made a huge difference to my skin. What I’ve worked on mostly was skin irritation, because I have rosacea like skin (altough never diagnosed as official rosacea). Have not been in a while because I’ve relocated and couldn’t find anything reliable near me. Taking into account the cost of treatments over time the price of the device makes sense. Definitely an investment though!

    1. Jane Cunningham

      That’s really good to know Diana – it is an investment but interested to know what you paid in-salon per treatment?

  2. Diana

    It has been about a year and a bit ago, and I was having half an hour other more ‘traditional’ treatment like cleansing, face mask and half an hour dermalux. I think the dermalux was I think around £60 if I remember right. I think now it is £75. The best part was that I had to just be and do nothing for 30 minutes, a forced meditation if you will

    1. Jane Cunningham

      yes, that half hour, while difficult to find sometimes is very pleasant!

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