AD CurrentBody Skin RF Skin Tightening Device Review Part 1

AD I’ve had so many one-off non-surgical treatments throughout my career as a beauty journalist and blogger – testing has always been part of what I do and it’s crucial if you really want to understand how (and whether) a treatment really does work. I read somewhere that at-home devices had one of the biggest surges in sales during lock-down – they were predicted to rise even before the pandemic but nobody expected the explosion. I can see over the years how much technology for at-home devices has caught up with clinic and salon devices – if you don’t mind taking your time. I’m never comfortable talking about ‘anti’ ageing but at the same time recognize that it’s a journey that we all make in different ways. I’d rather test out products than ignore them. I’m trialing two areas – my upper lip on one side where I have (ex) smoking creasing and smile lines next to my eye, both on the right side of my face. Hopefully, sticking to one side will give a good view of how well the CurrentBody Skin RF Radio Frequency Skin Tightening Device has worked.

It’s suggested that it will take 8 weeks to see results with a once a week treatment per area. Each area takes five minutes which sounds like no time at all but in fact, running a device around the same area for a whole five minutes can end up feeling like hours. Prop your application arm otherwise you will start to feel it ache if you’re going to attempt your whole face. Above is a good picture to highlight the areas – I rarely use filters and if I do, I say so. I should also say that I’m not particularly bothered by them – I know they’re there but they’re not what I see when I look in the mirror every day – skin ageing is completely normal.

So, what is RF? In short, Radio Frequency. Sometimes, RF is touted as a ‘non-surgical face lift’ and while nothing replicates surgery you could reasonably expect to see some skin tightening from regular RF. The method generates heat to stimulate collagen and elastin production by sending waves deep into the skin layers. When your skin resists the waves, it heats up which increases circulation and collagen production. The key to this is temperature (and it’s one of the big leaps from salon/clinic to home) because to activate the process, you need a steady 40-43˚c. This is complicated somewhat by everyone having different resistance but the CurrentBody Skin RF Radio Frequency Skin Tightening Device delivers the right Radio Frequency energy best suited to your level.

You need to keep on with the treatments if you want the effects to last but 8 weeks is the point at which you should (and I should) see a difference on your skin – we shall see! RF targets skin creasing and skin firmness with common areas including the jaw line, neck and nose to mouth lines for firming, eyes, mouth and forehead for creasing. You can treat several areas in one session if your arm strength is up to it.

There are several contra-indications and I’d strongly recommend reading those before you proceed (HERE) but they include metabolic conditions, pregnancy, migraine and auto-immune disorders (largely I think because the device is untested on those conditions) and independent studies are hard to find. However, a selection of studies is HERE which again, I recommend you take a look at. Anecdotal accounts are strong outside of study results and most participants of studies found at least some result.

I’m looking forward to using the CurrentBody Skin RF Radio Frequency Skin Tightening Device – it’s once a week (I had initially thought it was every day which felt quite onerous!) and I’ve had a first, tentative go (you must do the test first) so from here I can say it’s hot but if you keep it moving, it’s fine – there are three levels of strength and I went straight to three. The device comes with the activation gel (don’t try using it without, it just won’t work) you need to take the lid off to reveal the ‘prongs’ that deliver the radio frequency treatment. I say that as someone who sat with the device poised at my face with the lid on for a good while wondering when I would start to feel the heat. See you in 8 weeks from now :-). Oh, if you feel you’d like to try the CurrentBody Skin RF Radio Frequency Skin Tightening Device before reading up on my results, I have a code for you to use at checkout which is JANERF which will get 10% off the price of £299 HERE.


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6 responses to “AD CurrentBody Skin RF Skin Tightening Device Review Part 1”

  1. Anna van Munster

    Wow, that’s interesting, Jane! I wish you fab results – and anyway expect interesting reading in couple of months :). While the word “anti-aging” is now unwelcome, I guess none of us wants to loose what we once had – elasticity, firmness, pigmentation (hair, lips), muscle mass, whatever… It’s not about “looking young” – for me it’s looking my possible best and keeping what’s mine. (Mine! Grrrr…) I’m now playing with face-forming – trying to locate and strengthen these little face muscles that normally we don’t properly exercise and they’re thinning, giving worse texture around eyes, mouth, etc. Decided to try this before going for blepharoplasty (which I cowardly postpone)… Apparate-treatments at home are very interesting topic for me as well – just feel a bit lazy when it comes to usage of extra gels and checking the modes (but do daily Japanese lymphodraining massage with my beloved ReFa Carat 4 )… Also the choice is enormous and pretty disarming. So, thanks again for doing this public! We need you! 🙂

    1. Jane Cunningham

      Thank you Anna. Yes, it’s quite a commitment – the head cap was every single day for almost 4 months at which point I’d definitely got some new growth but no way to truly know if that might have happened anyway. So, it’s now with a friend who has pattern balding (different to my hair loss) for more testing. In the past I haven’t really responded to things like Morpheus 8 so it will be interesting to see if my face is as stubborn with RF. If you have the patience for lymphatic drainage etc, you have the patience for an appliance like this one. I agreed to do two areas because I doubted my arms would cope with the whole face (1.5 hours!).

      1. Anna van Munster

        Yep, hair is quite a tricky area – I remember both my pregnancies were rollercoasters: first no single hair wanna go and I need to ask my hairdresser to literally cut out strands to make it lighter for the head, then they all happily at once decide to leave… Then things back to normal, but more gray to cover…
        Wow, 1.5 hours! – it’s a workout by itself! Who can do this regularly? And somehow sit and put elbow on the table or other surface won’t work? (Or supporting one arm with another hand? That’s what I do when – very seldom – my darling does something for the house that requires my assistance in holding things up…) I’ve heard a lot of good things about RF at home – drooling at some Japanese beauties (love their appliances – and the whole skincare approach), but prices still make me hesitate… but may be Black Friday…

        1. Jane Cunningham

          Exactly – I think it’s best for targeting small areas unless you are truly dedicated. But that said, I don’t suppose you have to do it all in one sitting!

  2. Catherine

    I have huge scepticism with these things so will be very interesting to see what you think. I am also not fussed about lines etc but am starting to see a general downward slump and would prefer it didn’t!

    Also keen to hear how your friend gets on with the hair device. I saw a headband version the other day but it’s £800!

    1. Jane Cunningham

      They’re really expensive – I’ll be interested too. Hair loss is just awful – I never thought I’d have it. Yes, I know – I’m the same as you but would like my smoky lines to soften I think…

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