I think Vanilla Paris bags could best be described as ‘homages’ to other, pricier brands. In theory this isn’t really something I approve of but I have fallen hard for this grey number, the Bertie. For £150, I think it looks far more expensive than that and it’s beautifully made from good quality leather. Having seen the coming nail trends for next season, grey is a key theme and while I’m not about matchy-matchy, I’m thinking YSL’s Gris Underground and Bertie are made to be together.
Vanilla Paris is HERE and Gris Underground is HERE.
I also spotted this Colour Block bag which I love.. nude and a neon-ish pink from River Island that I think looks far more expensive that its actual price of £37 – but it isn’t leather. Still, since I love a neon and nude nail, I could definitely go matchy-matchy here! Find it HERE.
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