My confession? I don’t wear a watch and I never have! So, pre-mobile phones, I was always that annoying person that never knew what time it was. I just can’t really get the hang of wearing them – they always feel a bit restrictive on my wrist. So, I don’t do many watches on Accessory Wednesday because I’m just not that into them. However, when I spotted these three from Owl, I really did give watch wearing a second thought (I’m still undecided). The blue and rose gold Oxford watch above has a 21mm diatmeter (quite diddy) and you really don’t see many navy blue watches around. If you’re not into wearing lots of black, this is a good option. It’s £69 HERE.

This next one is more for rose gold fans – there’s a little strip of navy but it’s predominantly rose gold. It’s a little bigger than the previous one at 30mm diamater, and it’s £99.95 HERE.

Finally, something for those of us who like black accessories. Again, 21mm diameter and £64.95 HERE. The three watches are all Topshop exclusives.
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