Generally, I’m not one for a chunky ring (my only chunky ring rule exception is Chanel costume jewellery) but the colour on this Lolo & Galago Ring is breathtaking. It’s not a range I’ve come across before but I’ve been browsing their site after this caught my eye. It’s made from blue topaz set into a 18k yellow gold plate ring.
Blue TopazEither the height of this will put you right off, or you’ll embrace its detail – I keep thinking if it was mine I would be bound to get it caught up in a button hole or something. There IS an art to wearing cocktail rings! If you love a showstopper I’m thinking this, a little black dress and heels and there is nothing else needed. But then, I’m also thinking, white linen, Ibiza beach, streaming sunshine – it’s really rather versatile.
The Blue Topaz ring is £240 HERE.
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